
Saturday, February 20, 2010

Reading blogs is helpful

I have been thinking about Rving for a long time.

Since I cannot just go out and buy an Rv and hit the road just yet, I am starting to do my homework, learn as much as I can, and in a way live the life vicariously by reading RVers blogs.

I have found so many sites on the internet that give information about rigs for sale and such. I have also found several interesting clubs and groups that offer both get-togethers, information, chat groups and so much more.

So to start I am reading blogs written by people who have made it to full time RV living, or are still working toward it. I have found it quite interesting to first sample a blog by reading a few current entries, and if I like what I see, I go back to the beginning of their blogs. This way i can get a view of the things they have gone thru to get to where they are today, and also get to know them.

I must admit I tend to skim over the blogs that are about their holidays or grandchildren at this point. I'm looking for "how they did it" or ""useful hints" or "problems I might be able to avoid."

Likewise, I hope in this blog I will be able to contribute useful information for anyone who might read it in the future.

for now the countdown is :636 days until my 65th. birthday.

I am going to go clean out one drawer.

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