
Monday, March 15, 2010

I must be CRAZY!

597  days, or 1 year, 7 months, 17 days to go.  

Exercise goal: to walk 1000 miles on the treadmill
0 miles today,  989 to go  (Pool day)

To Trash:   
  • 10 things from a drawer.
  • Large bag of stuff from garage, including 4 large plastic jugs I had saved for some reasom!

I must be crazy!

I was lying in my nice warm bed last night thinking about going fulltime RVing and started to think about my life as it is now. Where I live, my workspace, and the peacefulness of my life.

I thought I must be crazy to contemplate giving it all up.

I am an artist. For over thirty years I sold my work at local Art and Craft street shows. They are an incredible amount of work, but for years they were the best way for me to show and sell. People would see my work, and if they liked it and it fit into their life, they bought it. My income was low, but my husband always made a good income so anything I brought in was "extra." It was enough to help the kids with college expenses. In some ways it is a self-supporting hobby more than a job or business

About ten years ago my husband built a Web Site for me. And eventually I was able to stop doing shows and sell exclusively thru the web site. They see my work, and if it fits into their life and they like it, the buy it. BUT I don't have to set up on the street every other week and carry finished work in inventory. My income is small, but it does help pay for my health insurance.

When we bought our house twenty-two years ago, one of my priorities was to have a studio room. That I have! I also have lots of other space and garage space for the storage that I feel I need. Many of my artist friends have far less room.  My space is perfect for me.

 The location of the house is beautiful and easy to get to.  We are in the Santa Cruz Mountains and are surrounded by forest.  But at the same time we are very near a major highway and it only takes 10 minutes to get to town. Craig still works part time at one of the many computer companies in the area.

 I’ve had customers who upon getting out of their cars, look around and say things like “This is a bit of paradise.”  Or  “You are so lucky to live here.” 

I know that.  But I’ve been here for long enough and I want to make a change. 

I must be crazy, but my heart is in this and I can't let the idea go.

We shall see ...


  1. We had such times of wondering about what we were about to do.

    I think it is natural. I also think it is a healthy thing to see both sides of the equation.

    Through it all we knew deep down inside what we wanted and what we didn't want.

    In the end the dream won out for us.

    Now, we wouldn't change a thing. We love living full time out here. We have talked about if we would ever go back to the old lifestyle.

    We just don't see it happening. There are so many reasons we wouldn't do that.

    The questions we kept asking ourselves is what did we want -- and why.

    When we answered those questions we knew there was only one place for us -- and that is right where we are now.

    By the way -- I don't think you are crazy -- just doing what we all did at one time or another.

    Ken and Nanette

  2. It would probably be more crazy not have doubts or second thoughts once in a while. Change is hard even if it is good change.

    I loved your comment on my blog the other day about our house holding us hostage. It sure feels like it right now. But, I have to remember that we spent 26 great years in this house. It was a wonderful place to raise our boys; and I know they have many good memories.

    It feels more like buyers are holding us hostage in this buyer's market. They seem to want a new house as a very cheap used price. They nitpick the smallest details and make some pretty rude comments. We so can't wait to be done with this house selling business.
    I don't think I will ever buy a house again!!!!


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