
Friday, March 12, 2010

Cutting mats and rain

600 days, or 1 year, 7 months, 20 days to go

It's a rainy day today.  Unlike many people, I like rain most of the time.  As I look out the window it seems the trees are greener and the grass is lusher than when the sun shines.  I live in a beautiful place. I don't know why I want to leave it.  I must be crazy.

I imagine what a day like this would be in the world of a Full Timer.  I guess it would depend on where he was parked.  I imagine it would be a day to cocoon.  Reading or napping. I can cocoon here if I want.  

On a brighter note, I did a little shopping today.  I had to go to town for the usual yearly blood work a healthy person of my age need to do, and decided to stop in and window shop a bit.  I'm busy getting rid of stuff, I don't need more.

I did buy a set of flexible cutting mats for the kitchen.  I always use a cutting board and have several that I like.  But they are al l quite heavy.  I thought I would give the mats a try. I don't feel the need to get rid of my boards until it is time to go on the road, but getting into the habit of the mats is a small step.  I also bought an acrylic canister for our coffee beans.  I've been using a smaller canister that doesn't hold the entire bag of coffee, so I have coffee in the cupboard and coffee on the counter.  If I like it I will get several more for flour and sugars.  I got them at Target.

I'm also critically looking at plastic bowls and microwave casseroles.  I have several heavy corning ware  casseroles that I use frequently.  Yesterday I melted a bowl that I would have never used in the microwave trying to substitute for a glass one I'm used to.

Not much on the Flea Market table today, just some little things.
Not much in the trash either, just 10 useless things from drawers.

Exercise goal: to walk 1000 miles on the treadmill
2 miles today,  993 to go

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