
Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Filled the trash cans and pick up isn't till Friday!

609 days
, or 1 year, 7 months, 29 days to go.

To Goodwill:
  • The cape I bought in Paris ( about 1986!)

To Rummage sale or flea market table:
  • Turkey roasting pan (I have two)
  • A stack of plastic boxes for take out food, all new, great for lunch sandwiches.

To Trash:
  • Half a can more of VCR movie tapes. I was amazed at the collection of titles. I randomly checked NETFLIX and all were available there.
  • Package of glass plates from a chandelier that we removed a few years ago. It had fallen in the 1989 earthquake and we had to buy a full set of glass to replace those that were broken.
  • This and that from some of the drawers. Dead pens, pen caps and stuff like that.
  • One master sculpture from a discontinued animal.

I tried to concentrate on filling the trash cans today. Tomorrow I'll add the kitchen garbage before I put them out.

As I look around I feel a bit overwhelmed by the size of the task of downsizing our possessions, and yet I know that compared to many of my friends I have very little. I have never had "collections" that took up room. Most "collections are just dust catchers and for someone who doesn't dust very often that would be a disaster. Other than art materials, my one "collection" was of pins from ski resorts. They are all on the back of one ski coat. I also have a collections of pins on a hat that I have bought on our few trips. I may keep these, I may not.

My husbands "stuff" is another story.

It's raining today.

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