
Sunday, March 21, 2010

Because We Can

This is the third entry on my Why - Why not page,  Funny so far I can't think of any why nots!

BECAUSE WE CAN ( or we will be able to after the house is sold)
  • We have no dependents, human or animal
  • Craig can retire any time he wants
  • We have enough money - Retirement funds plus equity in the house
  • We have no debt other than the mortgage which will be gone when the house sells
  • We have good health
591  days, or 1 year, 7 months, 11 days to go.  

To Flea Market Table:

  • A sieve
  • A herb chopper
To Goodwill:

  • Three warm throws.  All are quite nice.
  • Two bags of clothes
GOAL: walk 1000 miles on the treadmill to get into shape for long hikes in the National parks!
                               2 miles today  989 to go

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