
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Busy Day Today

Busy day today!  I dusted off the bicycles that have not been used for I  don't know how many years and took them to a bike shop to get tuned up and repaired.   I want to start riding at least once a week to get into shape for the future.

I followed Craig into town on his way to work so he could stop at a fabric store with me.  I make him PJ's and he likes to pick out the fabric.  He says the plain ones at the stores are to boring and they never fit him right.

My sewing machine was in the shop for a tune up and it was ready to pick up, so I did.

When home, I sorted a few old tax year boxes and did my two miles on the TM, and am now reading blogs.

To Shredder: four years of taxes.
Retrieved:  On pot from dining room hiding place.

588  days, or 1 year, 7 months, 8 days to go.  

Exercise Goal:  1000 miles on the treadmill
   to get into shape for long hikes in the National parks!
                        2 miles today  983 to go

1 comment:

  1. I like your treadmill goal. Those 1000 miles will serve you well when you hit the road. I miss my treadmill and wish there was a light portable one that I could carry with me. :)


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