
Friday, March 5, 2010


607 days, or 1 year, 7 months, 27 days to go.

To Rummage sale or flea market table:
  • Bag of mini animal head Xmas ornaments
  • Large box of plastic table-wear and an unopened plastic tablecloth
To Trash:
  • Rusty hot-plate

OK, so it was a light day for throwing thing out. I was busy this morning going to the Kaiser Health center to get a Shingles vaccination. I've been thinking about it for a few months, and finally called Kaiser about it yesterday because I was motivated by CrusinSusan's recent problems with Shingles.

I'm looking forward to my husband working on the bathroom project this weekend. I think he plans on taping the two small drywall repairs he made in the Laundry room. I will be happy with that.

Don't nag, don't push!


    1. Thanks for becoming a follower on our blog. I have read through your blog and I really think you have the right idea. It took us 3 years to get the house ready to sell and to get rid of much of our "stuff". I plan to do a blog entry about purging the stuff this week. Maybe some of our experiences can help you. I see you lived in Milwaukee at one point. We live in Richfield, Wisconsin.
      Hopefully, by the time you are ready to sell your home the market will be better. Selling our house has been the most frustrating part of this process.
      I look forward to following your journey.
      Evelyn of RV Khronicles of Kevelyn

    2. Thank you for coming aboard. I find it so encouraging to see that other couples have taken a long time from idea to "launch." I feel that for us it has been just an idea for to long and it is time to start taking little steps forward.


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