
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Why - Why Not

Ken wrote about knowing your "whys" in a comment after my "I must be crazy" post.  I have a lot of "whys", and some "Why nots."  To help me get these more clear in my mind I have started a side page to list them.  It is a list in progress, and hopefully it will make sense to me in the end.

This is my first entry:
One of the things I want from this future is more TOGETHERNESS.  It is not that we are not "together" in this life, but so much seems to be distracting and disturbing.  
  • When we were dating, Craig and I always talked best when we were in a moving car.
  • We seemed to be very "together" and happy on our two short RV vacations.
  • An RV it is really your own small universe, you are in it together.

To Flea Market table:
8 napkin rings
4 new tennis balls
8 small tin pots
Old Movie Review Book
Rolls of contact paper
Long plastic straws

To Trash:  More than 3 cans!

Exercise goal: 
To walk 1000 miles on the treadmill to get into shape for long hikes in the National parks!
2 miles today  992.5 to go

594  days, or 1 year, 7 months, 14 days to go.


  1. Merikay,

    I, too, am a breast cancer survivor, 9 years out. You are so is very short. That is one of the reasons we are planning to full-time. Treasure each day, each moment...even the difficult ones. Dreams DO come true!

    A sister in survivorship...

  2. I tried really hard at the time to just "roll" with it and not make a big deal, but it does effect you and you never really stop expecting the cancer to reoccur.


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