
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Christeaster Flowers

Christeaster Flowers!

We have very good light in our living room, and Craig is very good at remembering to water plants!  We just don't have the heart to toss the Christmas flower when it is still so pretty.  Yes, that is a real plant, not artificial.  So now it has been joined by the Easter Lily which won't last nearly as long!

To those who commented on my blog yesterday, thank you.  It is fun to see that others have read my wandering thoughts!    I managed four miles on the treadmill because I did two in the morning and two in the afternoon.  I'm usually not very tired after two miles, just bored!  The reason I'm doing it is to get into better shape so I can do some hiking.  I used to walk with my dog, but when she got sick and couldn't go, I felt like a trader going without her.  She's gone, and I will start taking some local hikes again soon. But the treadmill is an easy alternative right now.  I watch TV as I walk.

To Jomama, I'm working on a diagram to try to show the "secret space."  I should be including it in tomorrows post.

574  days, or 1 year, 6 months, 26 days to go.  

Exercise Goal:  1000 miles on the treadmill,  
2 miles this morning and 2 in the afternoon,  954 to go

                       Someday I will be hiking in National Parks!

1 comment:

  1. Grats on so many miles so far! You are sure going through some of the same emotional stuff as me. One day I'm thinking to myself... "What the H@@@ am I thinking?" and the next day "I'm out of here". I'm working on getting in shape for my move to full-timing too. Please EM me at KatieDean at Comcast dot net. I'll bet we can support each other.


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