
Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Doing research is not a waste of time.

As the days pass I have been sending some time each day doing "research" into things that will either be helpful to know when we are fulltiming, or helpful in getting there, or helpful in choosing the right rig for us.

I know that ultimately the decision will be made together, but since I have more free time these days, I am reading and collecting information.

Several people have given me names of manufacturers to consider.  That is great.  There are so many out there that if I can winnow it down, things will be less confusing.

When I was at that mini RVB show last week one of the salesmen suggested I start reading the users groups forums of brands I was interested in.  That seems like a really good idea and I will be looking into
them soon.

On the home front, I have been a bit slow in purging lately.  I was doing fine when I was making a list and committed to sorting something, no matter how small, each day.  Then Craig fussed a bit, and I think it was going to fast for him, so I stopped listing.  Then I lost my momentum.    I am going back to my one thing a day plan, but the list will be in my head.

Today I want to go back thru several of the bags of papers I have designated for the shredder company.  I want to look at everything twice before it goes out the door.

Do you miss any of your "gone" stuff?

Daily countdown:
560  days, or 1 year, 6 months, 10 days to go.  

Exercise Goal:        
1000 miles on the treadmill     2 miles  today   922 to go 
         Someday I will be hiking in National Parks!


  1. The only thing I miss is having a garden, and biting into a fresh home grown tomato! :(

  2. I don't have an RV, Merikay, but I do live in a 750 sq ft 1-bedroom house; needless to say, I've purged a lot of stuff. I go in waves of momentum, as you described. Yet, I never seem to miss anything once it is really gone.

    It always makes me wonder why I thought I needed it so badly in the first place. Luckily, I do purchase fewer items nowadays, yet, I still feel like I could get by (happily) with less.

  3. Research is where I LOVE spending time. There and the blogs is where I find my dreams when I start getting overwhelmed with current life. The only way I could keep it straight once I started researching rigs was to start a spreadsheet. It lists wheel bases and lengths and tank capacities etc. That way I can compare them all in one place. Gotta love those spreadsheets. I have my list of 'gotta haves', 'Websites' and 'Places to see & stay'. LOVE THEM :0)

  4. That's what I did, spreadsheets on brands and pros & cons once I saw the RV in question.

    I never missed anything once it's gone. I still have a few items I haven't touched, so by next December if I still haven't used it, out it goes. If something means something to you, take a picture of it.


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