
Friday, April 30, 2010

Hello Joan from Oregon

Hello Joan,  I answered your comment by adding a comment below it.  I am looking forward to seeing you blog up.  Making lists is fun and gives you mini goals to reach as the days go by.  It's also encouraging to see how fast the daily countdown seems to go.

Speaking of goals, I met with the roofing man on Wednesday, the gutter man on Thursday and have an appointment tomorrow morning for Craig and I to go over a preliminary proposal.  This is no ordinary roof!  The cost will probably be almost enough to buy a good used fifth wheel, but it has to be done.

Daily countdown:
551  days, or 1 year, 6 months, 1 days to go.  

Exercise Goal:        
1000 miles on the treadmill     2 miles   today.    
Total walked = 102.5 miles   I think I'm taking the weekend off!
         Someday I will be hiking in National Parks!

1 comment:

  1. sometime you have to spend money to make money... good luck with the roofing project...


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