
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I feel myself changing

I don't know how this will end.  Full time, part time, smaller sticks ...  I do know I feel myself changing.  I feel stronger.  I feel that if I can be positive most days and do a little something towards reaching my goal, I will be able to choose to go full-time or not.  I will not give up the dream because someone or something (other than health failures,) make me give up.

This weekend someone very close to me has gotten into very serious trouble.  In the past I would have lead the charge to rescue or help him out.  This time I said NO.  We will not be drawn into someone's black hole.  Craig agrees with me on this. But saying no was incredibly hard.  I am growing.

Count down to ?

568  days, or 1 year, 6 months, 20 days to go.  

Exercise Goal:        
1000 miles on the treadmill  
   4 miles  today (all at one time!)  941 to go
                   Someday I will be hiking in National Parks!


  1. Hi Merikay!

    I love your blog. I can just imagine you sifting through your house as you pick and choose what to toss, send to Goodwill or keep for the flea market.

    I also appreciate your candid comments about your husband, Craig, and the way you relate to each other. I am newly wed and I appreciate hearing about someone who is 44 years into a marriage.

    I will check in on your progress from time to time. Congratulations on your steady progress in exercise, too.

  2. "This weekend someone very close to me has gotten into very serious trouble. In the past I would have lead the charge to rescue or help him out. This time I said NO. We will not be drawn into someone's black hole. Craig agrees with me on this. But saying no was incredibly hard. I am growing."

    This is the best thing that you could do, it will help them grow too.
    Once someone learns that bad choices have consequences, and they have to take responsibility for their own actions, they grow.
    It's all about "Tough Love"!
    Good for you. Penny, TX

  3. To know that you are gaining strength is a great gift.

    Yes, keep the dream alive and taking one step at a time and before you know it you will be living it!

    Ken and Nanette

  4. What's that famous quote? "1% perspiration and 99% inspiration" A positive attitude needs to be worked on until it becomes habit. You're on your way girl!

  5. Tough Love is sometimes the hardest thing we have to do but so worth it in the end. We had to use tough love with our oldest son when he was 18. It was a long and hard year but the blessings since have been wonderful. He is now a college student after serving in the Army and a tour in Iraq. He is also the proud father of our two year old granddaughter, Opal. We are proud to call him our son and know he has far to go in this world.

    Hang in there and know you did the right thing. It is also good that you and Craig are on the same page.

    Hope you have a great day today.


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