
Monday, April 26, 2010

Why ... Because we want to explore

A few blogs ago  heyduke50  reminded me that one of our reasons for thinking about going full time is to explore this vast country of ours.   So I have added it to my Why page.

We know we want to leave the Bay Area and Northern California, but we don't really have any other destination in mind for retirement.  There has got to be somewhere that the weather is decent and the cost of living isn't as high as it is here!  We have no family in this area.  Our daughter lives in San Diego, but it too is very expensive and Craig doesn't want to retire there.  Visits are easy.  (I would like to live closer to her, but it probably won't happen.)

On the home front we had a busy weekend.  Craig got a little more work done and I did too.

This morning I followed thru with the first step on getting the roof done,  I called and talked to an answering machine.  

I'm going thru two more boxes of old tax records after I'm finished here.  Ugh!

Daily countdown:
555  days, or 1 year, 6 months, 5 days to go.  

Exercise Goal:        
1000 miles on the treadmill     2 miles  today   909.5  to go 
         Someday I will be hiking in National Parks!

I'm doing this to get in shape! 
 The daily log keeps me on track, otherwise it would be easy to just sit.

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