
Friday, April 23, 2010

A "Why"

Ten years ago when Craig first suggested the idea of fulltiming, I was reluctant.  One of the things I did at that time was make a list of the pro's and con's.  I remember one of the pros I wrote was "Living in an RV for a couple of years will make a condo seem enormous."  We are realistic and don't think fulltiming will be forever.

Daily countdown:
558  days, or 1 year, 6 months, 8 days to go.  

Exercise Goal:     1000 miles on the treadmill     2.5 miles  today   915  to go 
                     Someday I will be hiking in National Parks!


  1. we agree with you and are in the same boat... but our why? had more to do with we have no idea where we would live (retire) now so full timing seemed the most plausible solution to finding the "spot"...

  2. We thought that at first, now we have no idea how we lived in one spot. I think it will come down to health, hope it holds out for many more years. This lifestyle is awesome!


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