
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Good three days

As I expected the last three days have been very busy.

My volunteering at the International Science Faire was exhilarating, interesting, and exhausting!

I am less worried about the future of our world than I have been in many years.  The young people I talked to there were remarkable, smart, personable and the hope all of us "older" people need some days.

I even made one "RV" relevant contact.  We have some prototype computer equipment that Craig wants to donate.  I spoke to someone from the Computer History Museum, and will be encouraging him to write a description and take some pictures of it.  He said he knew that was the place to take it, and said he would work on donating it a few months ago.  Now I can nudge him a bit.

On Friday I went to the Fair Grounds to make my first stop at a large, 10 day,  RV show.  I had discovered that Paul and Mary were staying at the camp ground there, and was able to stop by and visit them.  They are a great pair, and I enjoyed our conversation a great deal.  It is so nice to put "real" people together with Blogs.

The RV show was interesting.  I'm quite sure we are thinking about getting a good Class A motor home, and went into and looked over every A that was there.  I had a note pad along, and made brief comments about what my first reactions were to each rig.  Since we are not settled on size, gas vs diesel,  or floor plan it was quite a task.   I also "sat" on every potty to judge the "elbow room.  (This was in view to a blogger who mentioned her mother was dismayed about the tight fit on her rig.  Something she had not considered in advance.)

One of the things I kept looking for was where I thought my husband might sit to work on his computer.  I assume we will have laptops, but I also think he might want to have a larger monitor to use on occasion.  My daughter does that when editing photos with her laptop.

I realize that many people modify their rigs, and with that in mind I was looking at what could not be changed in any particular model.

Od course I looked at the top of the line DPs.  Anyone could love something that cost $300 K+.
We all have to dream!

But I was  surprised at how many really expensive rigs did not feel like "home,"  and I wouldn't want them anyway.

Craig is going with me next weekend.  It should be interesting to see what his reactions to the ones I like will be.

I figure that what is New now, will be close to what is available pre-owned in two years.

One of the things that did distress me was the overwhelming smell of plastic and glue.  Craig says that is a good reason to be thinking about a pre-owned.  If the glue smell isn't gone by then, it never will be.

I added 3  miles to my walking goal just because I sure I walked at least that many above my normal daily life.

Daily countdown:
538 days, or 1 year, 5 months, 19 days to go.
Exercise Goal:
1000 miles on the treadmill,  3 miles to convention center and RV show.
Total walked = 121.5 miles
Someday I will be hiking in National Parks!


  1. Isn't looking at new rigs and dreaming fun? I'm finding my days right now seem to be dragging just waiting for Tuesday to get here so I can see my possible new home. :)

  2. Hi Merikay... I just read about you and a fellow bloggers blog and thought I'd come on over to introduce myself... We are also full time Rvers.
    Have fun & Travel safe


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