
Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Very busy today.  I set a 30 minute timer on blog time this morning and have read and commented on a couple of the blogs I follow, but I am running out of minutes for myself!

I started the slow cooker making Osso Buco this morning, it is starting to smell wonderful!  I want to use it more often than I have in the past.

I did my two mile treadmill, watched the first 48 min.  of "Terms of Endearment."  Great old movie!

Checked mail and find another order!  Woopee!  Things have been slow here lately and the last few days I have gotten orders for the animals that I have on my "Top ten possible to take on the road?"  That  would really be part of the dream.  If I could make animal sculptures part time I would be very happy, and pay for some of the space fees as well.   I'll have to write about it soon.

 (Answer to Katie: Over this summer I am going to try to figure out how much space I might need, how much I would have to carry along and where I could put it, and if I could work in an outdoor easy-up studio.  I'll be taking some pictures then. Until then if you want to know more about how they are made you can check out    How they're Made   on my web page.

Gotta go, the timer just buzzed!

Daily countdown:
535 days, or 1 year, 5 months, 16 days to go.

Exercise Goal:
1000 miles on the treadmill,  2 miles today
Total walked = 124 miles
Someday I will be hiking in National Parks!

OK so I went 10 minutes over!  

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