
Monday, May 10, 2010


A few weeks ago Craig started the weed-wacking on one section of the yard, but the weed-wacker broke.  He got it back on Friday and cleared the upper hill and what we call the meadow below the house.

Most of our land is steep hills and covered with forest.  The area around the house is less than an acre, and we do not "cut" the grass with a lawnmower because the hill is to steep.  We also do not water it, so it actually only grows in spring.  He has to clear it twice each spring, and after that it is just dry land.

It doesn't rain much  from May to October.   Later in summer we will be in "fire" danger and that is why we keep the grass down now.

Daily countdown:
542  days, or 1 year, 5 months, 23 days to go.  

Exercise Goal:        
1000 miles on the treadmill     2 miles yesterday, and 3.5 miles today! 
Total walked = 119.5 miles   
         Someday I will be hiking in National Parks!

1 comment:

  1. Weedwacking is hard work! I'm sure glad I don't have to do it anymore. :)


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