
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Local wildlife - Gopher

Today as I was stretching to paint the ceiling beams from atop a step ladder, I looked down and noticed another resident of our property also working on his home.  These are terrible pictures, but the good camera was upstairs and I thought he might go away before I got it.  Where is Judy when I need her!

Just like caddie shack!
Daily countdown:
503 days, or 1 year, 4 months, 16 days to go.
Exercise Goal:
1000 miles on the treadmill,  
Total walked = 167 miles  (might do a mile or two later this afternoon)
Someday I will be hiking 1000 miles  in National Parks!

Time spent Painting the House  
4.5 hours Wednesday          Total = 13.5 hours


  1. You have the ability to find beauty in the ordinary. I know you smiled.

  2. As much damage as they do, they sure are cute lil fellers :)

  3. Now you've done it. I have the Caddyshack song going through my head!!! I'm alright.......

  4. Ah, rodents! Not really up there on my list of favorite things after last winter at Anahuac!

  5. So glad to finally get caught up with your blog. Our time in Portland included many long days of work and short times to do my thing (reading blogs, books, etc). We are now in Marysville for the Strawberry Festival. Don't start work till 1:00 today, slept till 10:30 ~ it was nice!

    Will be looking forward to progress pictures of the house painting job. Just think one more thing done to get you closer to hitting the road.

  6. Funny perspective--thanks for sharing it!


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