
Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Moose Lodge Membership

Craig and I went to the Santa Cruz Moose Lodge for a BBQ on Monday.  A new friend and her husband were the band entertainment.  The whole "scene" reminded me of days long gone in our birth place, Wisconsin.  People sitting at outside tables who smoked, lots of people in the old time bar area, with a shuffle board and pool table,  and a medium size "hall" with tables and a nice wood dance floor.

The whole building was clean, freshly painted and fixed up, but by no means "modern!"  Loved it.  Many of the people who were in the hall were from other lodges where my friend plays, and came for the dancing.  (Country Line Dancing)

Because of this unexpected group of people, the BBQ planner had underestimated the number of dinners needed, and they ran out of food just before we got there.  After a quick trip to the grocery, we were able to eat a meal that was O.K. , but not up to their regular standards.  But, we were only charged half price so it was fine.  ($4.00 each)

We still don't know all that much about the Lodge, or what it  does, other than have lots of dinners each month (average price is less than $10.)  The people seem  nice and "down to earth." I know they donate part of the membership to an orphanage, and have several community service projects.

 My friend really didn't let us do our usual "Well, we will think about it" when it came to signing us up, so now we are in the process of Craig becoming a Moose.  Actually I had the check in my purse, ready to fill out, and hand over, so the push to sign up wasn't particularly resisted.

Moose Lodge membership for a man is $75 per year, plus a $20 one time application fee.  This lodge doesn't  have a "Lady of the Moose" chapter. "Lady"  dues would be $25 per year, but there are many active women at this lodge, and as a family the women get the benefits thru our men's membership.  A single woman would have to join thru another lodge that has a Ladies chapter.

What are the benefits?  Aside from fellowship and community, and being able to eat for a reasonable cost from time to time, there are the usual selection of discounts.

One of the benefits we had our eye on is the fact that as a member you can overnight at many lodges thru-out the country.  There's an online list by state and city. Some have  RV hookups.  This lodge charges $5.00 per night.  I was told the highest it usually gets is $10.

So even if we don't get out there for a while, it won't take to many nights to cover the membership.  Somehow I'd rather stop at a Moose Lodge than a Walmart, particularly if there is an event at the Lodge on the night we stay over.  Also if you are a traveler, I'm told that local help is usually available if you need something or some information about the area.

For us, there is  another reason for looking into Moose Lodge membership.

 My biggest Moose:

He is life size, created using a full size taxidermy form.

His skin and antlers are crocheted.   He is a "one of a kind" and I created him about 30 years ago.

 He has been a part of my identity ever since, and every house we have lived in was purchased only after agreeing that there was a place to hang "The Moose."  (Three different homes, three different realtors, Two moving companies!)

 But this time,  well,  there is no place in an RV for him.    I don't mind the idea of giving him up.  I do not want to put him in storage, and I would hate to see him at a Goodwill or worse yet taken to the dump.

SO, the next best thing would be to find a place that would give him an honorable location, and would accept him as a donation.

The Moose Lodge seemed to be the place to start.

I don't know if this is the right lodge yet.  They are remodeling an upper room in their building and I don't know if it has a tall wall.  But once Craig is a member, I can look at other lodges to find a new home for him.

In any event, he will not leave my dining room until the rest of the house is ready for sale.  And that may be over a year or more.

What is, or was your hardest possession to find a new home for?


  1. Thanks for the info about Moose Lodge memberships. Especially for single females. I've been wondering about that. The motorcycle has been the toughest so far, because I had thought there was a place for it in my adventure but plans changed. Finding a good home made it easier to let go. I've got some collectable dolls, from my mother, in display cases, that will be tough to let go of I'm sure. I'm sending you positive cleaning vibes for getting that MG ready for it's new home this month :0)

  2. Great story about the moose. A Moose Lodge sounds like a great home for him :)

    Thinking back to four years ago, I can't recall anything being hard to be shed of. I'm sure that's due to the passage of time. There are two small tubs of things that still reside at my daughters house, though.


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