
Friday, July 30, 2010

Repair I'm proud of

My knee was OK this morning.

  It was only as bad as a twist you might feel when you step wrong on a big rock while taking a hike. Hurt at the time, but quick to recover.  I have arthritis in my knees and one ankle so I baby them a lot.

  Rest is often the only thing I need to do. Although I liked Judy's suggestion of an adult beverage over ice the best.  Alas, we are trying to abstain on weeknights.  The operative word is "trying."

I finished working on one spot that I have been fixing for a couple of weeks. It is a stringer on the overhang above the laundry room door.  (the boards that are painted white primer were both replaced.)

This spot of dry rot was about the size of a lemon after I had dug out all the bad wood.

Over several weeks, I climbed my eight foot ladder many times and worked in layers of plastic wood.

I painted around the bad area.  Eventually the hole was full and sanded.

This is how it looks now.  From this picture I see I have to get back up there one more time and touch up that little line of white primer. Seeing results like this make it worth it!

Later this afternoon I am going over to the church and unload the van, and set up my junk.  It will be easier than doing it tomorrow morning.

Daily countdown:
405 days, or 1 year, 3 months, 1 days to go.

Exercise Goal:
 miles on the treadmill,  Resting the knee today.
Total walked = 185 miles
Someday I will be hiking 1000 miles in National Parks!


  1. Glad your knee wasnt hurt worse! Good luck at the sale tomorrow!

  2. Great job on the repair....looks like new. Gotta make you feel good when it all comes together!
    Take care and glad your knee wasn't hurt.
    Mike & Gerri

  3. That repair job looks terrific! Nice work!

  4. Ah, yes. I'm contemplating my arthritic joints right now, over ice, in a glass. :)

    Hope your sale goes well tomorrow!

  5. I love the new look to your blog - it goes so well with all that you've been doing. I'm amazed at the effort you're putting into fixing up your house - you are quite dedicated. I'm a lazy bum and wouldn't do it. Maybe that's another reason we're not selling ours! : )

  6. Merikay,
    I just read your comment on my blog about blow up men, and I laughed out loud. You are such a hoot! I may just have to slide down through California on my way to Texas this fall so I can meet you! :)

  7. Wow! I'm impressed with that repair. Looks better than new! You can come patch stuff here any day.


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