
Saturday, August 28, 2010


I haven't posted much this week, because not much is moving forward.  I feel a bit bogged down.

It is almost 9:00 am and Craig has just left to go get the rented log splitter.  We will split the wood we cut last week,  and perhaps I will get some time to work  on the Tiger.  I need to get it finished and ready to ship out on Monday.  It was supposed to go yesterday.

 I find I am less and less driven to do my art work these days.  It is not good to have your "work" seem like a drag.

The weather is quite cool this morning.  a good day for hard work outside.

Daily countdown:
431 days, or 1 year, 2 months, days. 


  1. Hi Merikay

    Just dropping in to say hi. Had a few minutes before heading out to work so thought I would catch up with a few blogs.

    So understand work not being fun at times. Hopefully it will get to be fun for you again soon.

    Wishing you a great day!

  2. I remember my log splitting days. That machine is a wonderful invention!

    I vote for Craig having to do the washing of the rig, also!

  3. I know how you feel about the art "work". For a long time I just couldn't get motivated. I am finally starting to do a little each day. It was actually you and other bloggers and their photographs that helped me get past that "blank canvas" feeling. Thank you to all.


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