
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

That was quick!

I have been researching the value of the MG on and off for months.  I knew what the asking price for a fully restored one was, and I had a range of possible prices for a non-op that was in pretty good condition other than it was put up without proper draining and had a few small dings and tears.
Craig and I pushed it out of the garage and I washed it with windex,
It looked pretty nice!


 To go on E-Bay Motors  with lots of pictures, a higher asking price, an auction with a reserve price, and wonder about dealing with people from out of the area, and shipping it across the country!

 Or to put is at a reasonable cash only price,  on Craig's list, and see what happened.

I wrote a quick Craig's list ad  within two hours I had a call.    After we talked for a while, the guy said he could come to see it this morning.

 However, after I hung up I realized I had given him the wrong information.
  I had listed it wrong on Craig's list too. I didn't have his phone number.

  I said it was a '69.  It's not.  It is a '79.

h In the morning, he called when he was ready to start, and I, with some embarrassment, told him my error.

I felt so dumb!  He seemed disappointed but he said, he's come look at it, and would probably be over in about an hour.

After three hours had passed I figured he was a no-show.  I was a bit disappointed because he seemed so nice, and I consider being a no-show quite rude.

But then I heard a car in the drive and it was he and his wife, complete with a flat bed trailer.

The man looked it over very carefully and asked many questions.

He was cool, but then so was I.

Then he offered me much less than my asking price.
    I said no.
        I didn't need to sell it today.

Then he came up half way to my price.
 I said that if it wasn't the absolutely first day I had it for sale I might take it, but not today.

I suggested  he call me in a couple of weeks.

He said  he would pay the asking price.

I think it was fair.

Onto the truck it went!

Goodbye little car

I'm a little sad.  But also pleased it went so easily and to people I felt good about.

I actually got some painting done today too!

Daily countdown:
449 days, or 1 year, 2 months, 23 days to go.


  1. Well good deal! Now you have a good part of the garage emptied and made a little money to boot!

  2. Congrats! Doesn't it feel good to have something sell so quickly?! :)

  3. How wonderful! Way to go with sticking to your guns on the asking price. I guess in this economy with so many desperate sellers, you can't blame buyers for trying :)

    We also had a shock at the cost of the dump in our area. We had a pick-up bed full of junk. It weighed 400 pounds and we were charged $63. That's because the minimum charge was for 3 tons. What a ripoff!

    You're another few steps closer to the goal!!!

  4. I just knew that little gem would sell fast. I don't know why the guy would be disappointed to find out it was a '79 and not a '69 model though - that would have been better news to me!

  5. Congratulations!! Someone got a really great car. I hope they enjoy it as much as I loved mine.

    Progress....don't you just love it!!

    Mike & Gerri (happytrails)

  6. Good on you, Merikay! Look at all that empty space in the garage! Way to go! :)

  7. We have a red Mazda Miata that I drive to work every day. Next summer we will sell it and I will cry. Everyone should have a little red convertible to hug.


  8. Wow! That's news! But its a big chunk to go away. What are you going to pile stuff on in the garage now?

  9. Congrats Merikay. That is a BIG deal. We will get there!


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