
Sunday, September 26, 2010

Thoughts and a rhino

First off I want to thank those who left comments on my last blog, There will be storage.  They made me think.  Does he really want to Full Time?  Do I really want to Full Time?

 So I asked, and Craig first said "yes" he does want to full time eventually.  But later the same night he said he needed to amend his answer and although he "probably" wanted to full time someday, he knew for sure that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me, in a house, condo, or apartment, or RV.  As long as we were together.


On the other hand he has been really giving his all to getting the painting finished.  Taking  Wednesdays off, and working a long day on the ladder on the weekends.

I went to an RV show on Friday and saw one rig I really liked.  Unfortunately it was a gasser.  When I mentioned it to him on Saturday, he said nothing.  Didn't ask a single question.   This is quite typical of him however.  He won't be open to discussing options until the time comes to be serious about buying one. Then he will do tons of research.


Oh well.  I just have to wait and see how it all goes.  No mater what we do, we definitely need to get this house fixed up.  If we can do that, we can look at other possibilities.

 I have not given up on the idea.  I just might start to think about the possibility of being "Anytimers" who have a house and a RV!  Because I want to live with him too!

Now, about that Rhino.  I have been busy all week getting one done and shipped.  I had a big problem however.  I was out of the gray fabric I like to use and after checking at three stores could not find anything to replace it.

I did have a yard of a wonderful textured cloth, but it was brown.

So I did what Merikays do best.

I painted it!  He also gained a great rough hide-like texture!

Daily Countdown:

402  or 1 year, 1 month, 7 days until something happens!


  1. Seriously thinking about things is a good thing. Do what will make both of you happy! :)

  2. Craig's answer sounds like a 'yes' to me. I'd just accept that.

  3. It is good to be talking about each persons feelings toward such a huge decision. Being together and having fun can be accomplished in so many ways. There is nothing wrong with being a "sometimer" either.
    Even those of us living the full-time lifestyle find ourselves in the "sometimer" category for various reasons. We haven't moved in almost 6 months due to camp hosting and then Mike's medical issues. With the holidays approaching and our desire to be at "home" for the holidays we probably won't move for another couple of months. Life happens!

    You have to do what makes both of you happy. You will find your answers.

    Mike & Gerri (happytrails)

  4. I agree with Mike and Gerri on this exactly. Very wise words!

    97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"

  5. You'll figure it all out, but in the meantime the possibility is a good incentive to get the needed work done around the house.


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