
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Cleaning the Fireplace stonework

Tuesday I decided to do something I have wanted to do for several months.  Clean the smoke stain off of the stonework of our fireplace.  I really meant to do this last spring when I bought the brick cleaner, but the intention got lost with all of the painting work.

I have done this every couple of years to keep the stone reasonably nice.

 I only had a small bottle of the cleaning solution so I didn't get it as clean as I would have liked, but I plan on doing it again next spring, or before we put the house on the market.

We burn a wood fire in this almost every evening during the winter months.  We really enjoy just sitting in our comfy chairs and reading, (or doing Sudoku) and listening to good music.

Now no comments allowed on my eclectic collection of stuff on the mantle!

 The clock in the center is one of my only treasured antiques.  It is over 100 years old and was owned by a great aunt of mine.

  The small brown stuffed animal is a moose on skis.  I got him on a family ski trip to Whistler Blackhome BC, and he has gone on many other ski trips with us.  He has retired to the mantle to remind me of some fun times in the past.

On the very end of the mantle is a little orange traffic cone.  Craig bought it for me on our "rented RV" vacation last year.  It says "IF GRANDMA AIN'T HAPPY, AIN'T NOBODY HAPPY."  I try to remind him from time to time that if he puts me in an RV I will be happy!

The fireplace itself has a story, but I will leave that for another blog.

Exercise Goal:
 miles on the treadmill, 
2 miles today
Total walked = 192 miles
Someday I will be hiking 1000 miles in National Parks!

Daily countdown:
391 days, or 1 year, 26 days. 

Just like the walking.  If I do a little bit each day it will add up to a house ready for market.


  1. Glad to see the walking milepost back! As far as defrosting the freezer is concerned, just be sure to take along a hair dryer and a plastic putty knife. It only takes about 20 minutes, but I just think it's a pain in the asparagus! :)

    I had a fireplace in my last house in Minnesota, and I loved having a fire every night all winter. The smoke did a number on my walls, but I thought it was worth it. :)

  2. Nice fireplace! Mine is very similar, lots of stone that gets dark with the smoke/soot. It is a pain to clean. We have fires all winter long too...tis nice :)

  3. The fireplace is beautiful. Sometimes I miss having one; then I read something like this or about carrying wood in or cleaning and hauling ashes, and I remember why I decided to not add one to this house!! I loved my fireplace in KC, but hated the upkeep on it.

    I remembered that once we needed to clean the brick and thought we used a household cleaner that did a good job. I took a look this morning and found this:

    That was it, and it worked really well. I don't think we had a lot of soot, mostly smoke.

    Good luck with it, and enjoy the fireplace while you have it!

  4. Hey, I like that fireplace :) I like the collection on the mantle too, nice stuff!

    97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"


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