
Thursday, October 14, 2010


With my part of the outside painting done, I have been feeling a bit at loose ends.  

I have spent several days out in a very dusty garage, and did manage to haul away one load of trash to the dump.  

We leave the door open almost all summer and leaves and dirt blow in.  There is also a table saw in there and every time we cut something up it a cloud of sawdust blows onto everything. (After shoveling up a summers worth of sawdust, I used the leaf blower to blow all the dust back out.)  It seems to work pretty well.

I keep all of my master sculptures in there and have each in a plastic bag to protect it.  Some hang on hooks, but most are just piled up on the floor.  Yesterday I went thru them and grouped them into sets that I then put into bigger bags.  I also culled out quite a few that I want to discontinue from my web site. 

If I stop offering them for sale, I can get rid of the boxes of materials I have collected. I put several large bags of masters into a big appliance box in the other garage where I'm storing some of the things that will go to the dump eventually.

I put a wine press and some of the Carboys on Craig's list.  One was sold today.

I also spent hours up in a very small attic.  It's about ten feet wide, and six feet deep.  The problem with it is the tallest part is only about five feet high and it angles down from there with the roof pitch.  It is all insulated and has a solid floor so there aren't any spiders or other critters. But I can only crouch over for a little while, so I've spread the task out over the month.

 I have been at it before, so almost all of "my" stuff is gone. This time I tossed a box of my old paintings.  I never was a very good painter! 

  I pulled out everything on one side and have been shifting boxes like a Chinese puzzle.  Most of what's in there are empty boxes from computers and other electronics we have bought over the years. I was able to cull out a number of them because the electronics have been trashed. Many are now stacked up in the hall. 

I did come across a 30 year computer old terminal and a 25 year old MAC.  There is an electronics recycle drop off this Sunday at a near by community center.  Craig said he didn't want to know!

I found two large boxes of things that belong to my daughter.  They will be left out and she can go thru them at Thanksgiving.  I also found some of my sons treasures.  I have gone thru them and boiled them down to one small box that I will mail to him.  I am not keeping all of his old game notebooks and charts, nor am I paying the shipping to get them to Washington.  Mixed in with his stuff were some of his dirty laundry from about 25 years ago!

There is a big box of coral I want to photograph and put on E-bay.   There is also a heavy box of papers and books from Craig's early computing days, and a small box of family papers I need to go thru. These can stay out in the hall area until I deal with them.

My goal is that by the end of the week the attic will contain ONLY empty boxes, empty suitcase, and a few of Craig's things that I will list in my "book." (All Christmas decorations are elsewhere in the house!)

So ... that's what I've been up to.  Small steps, but going in the right direction.

Exercise Goal:
 miles on the treadmill, 
2.25 miles Wednesday
1.25 miles today  (humid lazy day)
Total walked = 206.50 miles
Someday I will be hiking 1000 miles in National Parks!

Daily countdown:
383 days, or 1 year, 18 days.  To get the house fixed up!

Exercise Goal:
 miles on the treadmill, 
2.25 miles Wednesday
1.25 miles today  (humid lazy day)
Total walked = 206.50 miles
Someday I will be hiking 1000 miles in National Parks!

Daily countdown:
383 days, or 1 year, 18 days.  To get the house fixed up!


  1. Quit it're making me feel REAL guilty!

  2. I'm impressed. You have got through so much since you began blogging about it.

    I have 5 days, well it's realy a week but I have to go to Mum's at least once, to organnise our bus to sleep in and the house for a crowd of family guests.

    I had weeks and now it's days and I'm not making much progress.

  3. I thought I was busy today, but it was nothing compared your day!

  4. I'll take care of the "reasonable" Christmas Decorations while you are on your expedition! Love, D.

  5. Seems like you are doing a great job of "culling". It does take small steps. I laughed aloud when I read about finding your son's dirty laundry.

  6. You'll be so glad you did all this when the time comes!


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