
Monday, October 18, 2010

My tribute is walking

I walked an extra mile for Margie and Bruce today.

They valued the time they spent walking together in the fresh and beautiful mornings.

It's all I can do.

I had been a follower on her Healthy living for several months, and had only just started reading their other blog.  Margie was such a good roll model.  She stresses she was not perfect but kept trying to make the right choices.  If she slipped, it was not far, and reminded us all that each day is important.

I know that if I had been able to connect with them at a park one day, I would have wanted to join them for a morning walk.

But now I will do it in memory of them.  Every time I walk, I'll try to add one mile.

Margie would understand if somedays I can't.

Exercise Goal:
 miles on the treadmill, 
2.25 regular miles on Monday

1 extra mile in memory of Margie and Bruce

Total walked = 212 miles
Someday I will be hiking 1000 miles in National Parks!


  1. What a wonderful way to honor their memory!

  2. Lovely way of remembering them.

    Losing Margie and Bruce has opened my eyes to a whole lot of things. Not least the loving way Margie connected with us through her two Blogs and her comments.

    I have a whole new respect for Blogging and her example of leading a healthy life is inspiring.

    They have given us a wonderful legacy.

  3. Great post, awesome idea!

    I think I will do it as well. I walked last night, yesterday and today and thought of little else but Bruce and Margie.

    Margieanne said it all, they left us a wonderful legacy.

  4. It's a great idea and good for you too, so it's a winner both ways.

  5. That's a great idea and quite a lofty goal. I'm wishing you the best of luck with it in Margie's honor!

  6. Excellent idea Merikay! Inspiring and a fitting way to honor them. :)



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