
Friday, October 22, 2010

shopping day

Today was a shopping day.  I needed to get some supplies for the three sculptures I am working on.

When I'm at stores I often see things that I  think would be great to have in a Motor home. Sometimes I pick them up and put them in my basket, but then put them back.  I will buy what we need when the time comes.  Today I noticed Costco had heated mattress pads.    Karen in the Woods mentioned keeping their bed warm with one last spring and I put the note in my "tips" file.  I didn't buy one today, but someday I might.  I have looked fondly at a set of really nice plastic mixing bowls offered at the grocery I go to.  I don't need them in the house, but I have noted they are "Good Cooks" brand.

What I am getting in the next few days is a Laptop Computer.  It is a MacBook Pro.  Craig ordered it a couple of days ago.  I told him I wanted one for Christmas.  It will be a joint Christmas present for both of us. It's time for a laptop.

Exercise Goal:
 miles on the treadmill, 
2.25 regular miles Friday

+1 extra mile in memory of Margie
Total walked = 225 miles
Someday I will be hiking 1000 miles in National Parks!


  1. Merikay,
    I sure hope you get out here soon. With your artist's eye, you will just love it! What you do with dreaming about things for the motorhome is what my mother always called window shopping. I spent many an hour window shopping with her at a time when we could barely put food on the table. :)

  2. I sit with my Dell notebook on my lap at night while watching TV. I really like it, even if it's pretty small compared to a full sized laptop. On it I have several spreadsheets - one titled 'for RV'. When I'm reading blogs, or surfing on RV sites, and see something I think would be good, I put it on my spreadsheet.


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