
Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Finally figured it out!

I started a new blog recently to write some very short stories about my childhood.  I was having a problem with the blogger format.  I couldn't figure out why I was able to get comments on the first post Start Here, but not on any of the others.

Finally by digging thru the help forums, I found the answer and I fixed it!

Yea Me!  Fixed a computer problem without any help from Craig!

He is my "go to" guy, but I knew the answer was there somewhere!  What will I be able to do next!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

 My family will be arriving in the next few hours, and I am very Thankful for them all.

I will miss our Son, but will see him at Christmas.

Stay warm, eat turkey, (or not for our vegan friends.)


  1. Enjoy the day with your family - Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Glad you got your blogger issue fixed. Enjoy Thanksgiving with your family and don't work too hard!

  3. Thanks so much for your comment and I will be thinking of you and praying too. So many extra people.

    I do hope you find time to have some fun in the midst of it all.


  4. I wondered about the no comments thing, but I thought perhaps the format was one you preferred. I'm glad you figured it out. :)

    Happy Thanksgiving, Merikay!

  5. Happy Thanksgiving, Merikay! Have a good day with your family.

  6. Happy Thanksgiving!! Hope you have a wonderful day!!


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