
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Dungeness Crab season is here

I had never seen, nor eaten Dungeness Crab before we moved to California.

Frozen Crab Cakes,  yes.
Deviled crab made with canned crab meat, yes.
Soft shelled crab in Boston, yes.

But never the West Coast's delectable Dungeness.

The season has just begun and the  groceries are having the first sale.

You can spend lots going to a fancy restaurant, or chow down on cleaned and cracked crab at home with dips of melted butter and/or soy-ginger-seam oil.

One crab each is about right. (On sale $4 - $7 per person.)

Usually the fish man will clean and crack it for you while you wait.

Never, never buy previously frozen crab, it get very soggy.

At the table you will need a nutcracker and pick, a good cloth napkin or towel, and a relaxed attitude.

Serve with a good sourdough baguette and a glass or two of Sauvignon Blanc.

Thats what we had for dinner tonight.   Yumm.   Local Delight.

Exercise Goal:
 miles on the treadmill, 

2.5 miles Wednesday
Total walked = 267.5 miles  Aiming for 500 miles by March  2011

Someday I will be hiking 1000 miles in National Parks!


  1. what a great dinner!..and middle of the week too!!

  2. Any chance you'll do a giveaway for one of those bad boys?? :)

    (36 year old fulltime RVer living la vida loca with a cute-butt husband and a stink-butt dog!)

  3. Yummm...Might be something we'll have to try!

  4. I sure wish I was in your neck of the woods so you could invite me over for dinner! :)

  5. Awesome! The summer we spent in Washington, Hubster was able to go crabbing with some other fellows from the RV park with success! As I was cleaning and picking at the kitchen sink in our RV I would occasionally share a nibble with our kitty Jasper...

    to this day, anytime I stand at the kitchen sink in the RV (a totally different RV now!) he still sits at my feet and looks at me and occasionally meows!!!


  6. I love dungeness crab. Use to eat it lots when we lived on the Olympic Pen up in Washington. Enjoy! You are a gourmet Merikay!

  7. Merikay,
    I've never felt that Emma has lab in her. Others just assume because she is black that she has lab in her. I think she is a mixture of terrier and boxer/pit bull. Other than turkey vultures, she totally ignores birds and absolutely hates getting wet. That's not a lab in my experience! :) She is hyper like a terrior or boxer, and she did come from Texas after all. Lots of those pit bull mixes down here. However she is not aggressive towards other dogs at all. Who knows...she's just a Heinz 57 variety. But certainly not a lab.


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