
Sunday, December 12, 2010

I Think I'll Keep Him ...

I know I grinch about the pace at which Craig does things around here, and frown about his ongoing reluctance to part with stuff, but all in all I think I'll keep him.

Although I do most of the cooking, from time to time he makes dinner for me.
Craig Cooks

Every morning, while I make coffee and get our juice,  he drives to the top of the road and gets the Newspaper, which we read in bed before starting the day.  (No picture)

Every evening, round about 8:30 PM he makes tea for both of us, and brings my cup to me as I sit in my recliner reading blogs.  (Also no picture.)

Today the front hall project got a little bit bigger when he removed all of the wood baseboards and door trim.

Over the years he has replaced some of the dark rough wood baseboards around the house with new stained oak.  New woodwork will really make the entry hall more appealing.

I didn't agree to the removal at first because I was concerned about how long it would take to get the new up, but I think we have agreed it would be done as soon as possible after I finish the painting.

He is always happy to tear out things, but  I am firm on limiting this to just the front hall for now.

I have finished doing the first primer coat and next weekend he is going to apply the texture material.

Yes, I think I'll keep him.

Today is Craig's 66th Birthday.

Instead of getting a fancy "store-bought" cake I made him one of his childhood favorites.

In Wisconsin it is called a Schaum Torte.  In New Zealand and Australia call it a Pavlova.

A sweet meringue, covered in strawberries and piled high with fresh Whipped Cream.

Being a thrifty person, I saved the six from my cake and bought another.

Happy Birthday Craig.


  1. Happy Birthday Craig! Life sounds good at your house. You're a comfortable couple!

  2. Happy Birthday Craig and your birthday cake looked scrumptious.

  3. Hi. We'll be recycling the 7 candle for the next 8 years or as long as it lasts. 5 not so much. It will have to sit in the pantry until our eldest turns 50 or maybe sooner when our daughter turns 45. Right if I remember I have it it will get some use during the next decade.

    I bought them for Johns 75th on the 1st Dec. then didn't have anything to stand them in so they went unused.

    You are really motoring along with the house. Good to see the hall being done. And I'm glad you keep a close eye on the man when he begins to demolish. *giggle*

  4. Happy Birthday, Craig!

    That cake sounds yummy! And it looks sinful, something I have no doubt of!

  5. Happy Birthday Craig! Now that your 66, you should slow down a little and not have to do all those odd jobs around the house!!

    Whatever that cake is called, it looks delicious!!

  6. Happy Birthday to Craig! :) That cake looks really yummy!!

  7. Happy Birthday, Craig! Sounds like it's time to get that RV :)

  8. Happy Birthday to Craig!

    Getting closer and closer!!!

  9. You have a great guy there Merikay! I hope he has a great birthday and that you guys get to take some time off to do something fun and relaxing.

    (36 year old fulltime RVer living la vida loca with a cute-butt husband and a stink-butt dog!)


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