
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

San Francisco Bay at Sunset

Karen asked for more pictures of the area where we live.

While San Francisco is only an hour away, and we don't get up there as often as we should. This is a picture of the city, from Sausalito.  ( The first place on the other side of the Golden Gate Bridge.)

Over the Thanksgiving weekend we went to the Science Academy Museum with the family and then drove over the bridge for dinner.

Judy and Levonne have asked what I am going to do with the persimmons. I will be using them in a main dish salad tomorrow night.  Pictures and recipe will be posted.

Tonight I'm using the avocados, some left over turkey, ranch dressing and the cherry tomatoes in a favorite pasta salad.

Last night we had the artichokes, which were very nice, and the corn, which should have been sold for feed.  I put two of them out for the deer!  Oh well, you can't win them all, and I'm still pleased with the cost of that vegetable stand stop!

I just finished my treadmill walk and am going to start working on that front hall wall paper with the "scoring" tool.

Exercise Goal:
 miles on the treadmill, 

2.5 miles Monday
2.5 miles Wednesday     Thinking of  Margie
Total walked = 259 miles
Someday I will be hiking 1000 miles in National Parks!


  1. I'm thinking when they chop a good portion of the end of the cob away, there is a reason. :)

  2. Merikay...the vegetables looked wonderful...sorry about the corn.

    Just curious what town you are in? We may be in the Napa area (my aunt lives in Middletown) mid/end February if a job we are being interviewed for comes through.

  3. Great shot of San Francisco from Saulsalito.

  4. Thanks for the picture, it's beautiful. Keep them coming!


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