
Monday, December 20, 2010


Nothing very exciting.

 If you look at different rooms around this house, there are several different types of wall texture.  Each is a type of knock-down.  Some rooms have quite large splotches of knock-down, and some almost smooth.

 After the 1989 Earthquake we had to do extensive drywall work down in the family room, and hired someone to come in and do the texture.

In 2001 Craig did some drywall repair upstairs, and bought splatter applicator and learned to do it himself.

Last weekend after removing the woodwork we went out and bought the material for the texture application in the front hall, but by the time we got back it was to late  to start the job.

This Saturday, we did it.  It was a bit scary, but everything went quite well.

Craig did the application and I did the knock-down. It looks pretty good, if I do say so myself. It really wasn't very hard, and since there are three other rooms of old ugly wall paper to remove, the skill will come in handy.

Today I did the second coat of BIN on the walls and one on the ceiling.  I plan on painting the ceiling tomorrow, and the walls after Christmas.  I have white ceiling paint and the first gallon of a very light color for the walls.

 I am looking forward to seeing it on the wall.

Exercise Goal:
 miles on the treadmill, 

miles Friday
miles Monday
Total walked = 290.5 miles  Aiming for 500 miles by March 2011

Someday I will be hiking 1000 miles in National Parks!

Grand Canyon


  1. I hope all of your hard work pays off when you get ready to sell the house. Maybe you'll be so happy with everything you have done, you won't want to leave!

  2. I'm hoping to see some photos when you are done - or even in progress. Good for you guys to do it yourself! It's a good feeling, isn't it? :)

  3. I also wondered what a knock down is?

    I'm sure your hard work will pay off when you go to sell the house. We did a lot of work on our house in Tampa before we put it on the market and were rewarded with a buyer (probably the last one that bought a house in Florida before the housing market crash) at a good price. If it hadn't been in such good shape we would have ended up taking a big loss because houses are now selling for about half of what we got for ours.

  4. I also wondered what a knock down is?

    I'm sure your hard work will pay off when you go to sell the house. We did a lot of work on our house in Tampa before we put it on the market and were rewarded with a buyer (probably the last one that bought a house in Florida before the housing market crash) at a good price. If it hadn't been in such good shape we would have ended up taking a big loss because houses are now selling for about half of what we got for ours.


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