
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Busy Day

I had six items on my to do list today.

  I accomplished five of them:
  •  Epoxied the moose antlers,
  •  painted the ceiling of the hall by the kitchen,
  •  installed the eyes on the moose sculpture, 
  • walked on treadmill, 
  • and found two things to send to the Goodwill. 
The sixth item was to set up the sewing machine and work on a new pair of PJ's for Craig, but then when I found an order for four more animal sculptures in the email, I decided to go the first step on them instead.

It was a busy, but productive day.

Oh, about that RV with the sky deck,  It is a large Class A from Airstream and apparently it is a regular production feature.  I can imagine it being used by a business of some sort for promotional parties!  Great for parking along a parade route!

I walk to remind myself that I will reach my goal by taking one step at a time.
Exercise Goal:
 miles on the treadmill, 

2.5 miles Wednesday
Total walked = 299 miles  Aiming for 500 miles by March 2011

Someday I will be hiking 1000 miles in National Parks!
Glacier National Park


  1. A very productive day. More than I can say. It's suddenly time to prepare dinner and I've done nothing except eat, sleep and blog. I need to get out there for my 3 km walk. No excuse really.

  2. Don't you love those productive days? :) It's just great being able to knock things off the list!

  3. You're doing so well accomplishing your goals!

  4. Hang on to your dream one step at a time. I checked out your art and I love it.

  5. You got a lot done today, congrats! And thanks for the update on that top-deck 5'er, interesting!


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