
Saturday, January 1, 2011

I'm Glad I live in a HOUSE Today

Like many of you we spent a very pleasant Christmas with our family.

While we were in San Diego we also had the pleasure of meeting ,
 Kevin and Evelyn for lunch.  It was fun to see them "in person."  Although I feel a connection with most of the bloggers I follow, an in person meeting makes it that much more real! I hope there will be many more meetings in the future.

Today, New Year's Day, was very foggy. These pictures were taken at about noon.  It never did clear. It wasn't cold, and it didn't rain.  Actually it was a bit magical which was why I decided to go out and snap a few pictures.  

After working on a house project for a few hours, Craig watched the Rose Bowl on my laptop.  Yes he is awake.

(The poor squashed penguin is the pillow pet I gave him for his birthday.)

It's been a good year.  We are healthy and working toward a dream together.

Maybe tomorrow the sun will shine, but for today I'm glad I live in a house!


  1. nice tree shots..glad you are heading towards your dream!!..cheers and happy new year!!

  2. loved the fog and the dramatic effect it gives as well...

  3. Oh my, I never thought of watching TV that way. I can't wait to meet you in person,also, so hurry up and get on the road! Cool fog pics, but I wouldn't want to drive in it. Best to stay indoors...

  4. Nice fog pics and I'll have to try watching football that way!!

  5. The trees in the fog are gorgeous! What a great photo op!

  6. Happy New Year Merikay!

    I love the fog also! One of my favorite day's ever was walking the beach near Forks, WA in the fog... prior to the vampire saga... but I wouldn't have minded seeing Edward from afar... real afar!

  7. Yes, the pictures were great! I've been known to watch things on my laptop in that very position!

  8. Isn't "I'm Glad I live in a HOUSE Today" kind of a curious thing to post to an RV blog?

  9. Love that second fog shot Merikay. Nice... We have to set up our date to visit. My campground host schedule is to work Wed., Thurs., Fri., so Mondays and Tuesdays will be my best days in January.

    A Camp Host's Meanderings & Levonne's Pretty Pics

  10. Gorgeous photos! I love photographing the fog. (Yours look much better than mine every do).

  11. Hello Merikay! I drop in on Blogs intermittently. I really enjoy seeing what others manage to get out and do...I hope to be among those people at some time. Looks as though you and your husband are also among those peeps. I also am trying to downsize..get rid of "stuff". It's slow going, but it will happen. I have my ups and downs..but I do what I can when I can. Oh btw I love your photo shots. That something I also love when reading blogs. There are some great photographers out there. Keep you dream going.Do you know what you want to travel in when your gt your rig?


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