
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Playing hooky is good for the soul

One thing I just do not do enough of is getting out and experiencing the many wonderful places within easy driving distance from my home.

Just before Christmas I met up with Levonne a camp host and  fellow blogger. We decided that since she expected to be in the area for awhile,  we would make date for January.

It seems that is just about the only way I get out!  If I plan ahead and make a date.  

It feels a bit like playing hooky.  We went to Carmel, had a nice lunch and went to a photography exhibit.  Levonne tells it far better on her blog a camphost housewives meanderings than I can.

It's getting late and I'm ready for a nice cup of Sleepy Time tea.

Good night friends.


  1. Heeehehehe, this Ozark Farm Chick couldn't help coppin' an snoop at the 'Cheesehead Photo', not that's priceless girl!

    Yep, I too have a great friend but if we don't get out outing on the calendar it doesn't happen.

    I am retired Special Ed. educator. When teachin' I rarely too a day off even though I had many built up. Now, I regret that I didn't play some hooky myself. It's that hind~sight thang!!!

    God bless ya'll from the beautiful hills and hollers of the Missouri Ponderosa!!!!

  2. Glad you got out and played "hooky" hehehehe!!!
    I think we ALL need a day like that!

  3. sounds like a great 'hooky' day!..I need to play 'hooky' one day soon!..this going to work everyday is not good!!!

  4. Doesn't it feel good to play hooky now and then? :) I think I'll do that all next summer!

  5. Hey sweetie, I just wanted to thank you for your sweet visit and hoppin' on my blog. I sure hope ya'll enjoy the ride!!! :o)

    God bless and in the words of that wild and crazy Granny Clampett, "ya'll come back now, ya hear!!!"

  6. California has some of the greatest places on earth to visit. What a beautiful state we live in! :-)

  7. Carmel is the cutest little town! Art shows and gallery hopping is always fun....and hanging with the girls is good for the soul.

  8. We always try to visit Carmel when we are out to see my parents. Love the town!


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