
Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Evelyn asked about my reference to a "Audio Ebay."  No, there is no Ebay for just audio equipment.  I was referring to is sites like AudiogoN where you can list used high end audio equipment and sell it with auctions as well as fixed prices.  You can also use the Paypal system for payment.

We have a lot of things that need to be listed!

It's hard to believe we all ready starting the third month of 2011. So far his year,  I've accomplished what I set out to do, maybe a little bit more. 

My to do list is written in pencil, which is good, because I had "paint the dining room" penciled in for March, but its done! 

I started work on the master bedroom yesterday.  I'll have to do a post about what I need to do in there. It will be a busy month.

One thing I'm definitely planning is a day of relaxation and fun with a fellow blogger, Levonne.  I hope to meet up for a nice walk on the beach sometime this month!

Exercise Goal:
 miles on the treadmill, 

1.5 miles Wednesday (plus a whole lot of upper body exercise using the wall paper scoring tool!)

Total walked = 320 miles  

Someday I will be hiking 1000 miles in National Parks!

Capitol Reef, Utah


  1. At the rate you are a markin' things off that there list of yours, your gonna have that house of yers sold afore you even get it listed by them expensive reel astate people. That'd save ya a whole bunch of money fer sure, which you'll likely be using for repairs once you start full timin' in yer RV like the rest of us.

    P.S. Nilda says to tell ya she responded to your comment on my blog with a comment of her own.


  2. You're way ahead of me. I haven't even been able to find a pencil to make a list even though I'd have tons of stuff to put on it!


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