
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Redwood Walk

A few weeks ago I wrote that I was going to try to get out a bit more and explore some of the beautiful places in my own home area.

Today I did just that, and met a fellow blogger Kate, at the same time.  

She and her husband Terry live almost across the road from one of our beautiful  parks, Henry Cowell State park.

I met her, and we went for a nice walk in the redwood grove. 

 The trees are SO TALL!

The grove is quite a beautiful place. 

 One of the interesting things about redwoods is how they survive forest fires. I guess if you live for hundreds of years you grow around the fire damage. 

There were also some very interesting gnarly tree trunks along the path.

It seemed every where I looked there was another interesting picture.  

After a while I just enjoyed the sights without bothering with the camera.  

The only negative thing about the park is that since California's budget is in such  bad shape, they have increased the parking fee to $10.  A bit stiff for an hour walk.  I guess I have to get used to paying these fees if I want to see the sights.  

We will get a National Parks Senior pass when we are on the road.

This walk wasn't  an exercise walk. Kate had a sore ankle so we kept it slow and not to long. But it sure was a "nature's eye candy" walk. 

I'm looking froward to getting together with her again in the near future.  She has also introduced me to a place that does auction sales of "stuff."  It doesn't have to be high class collectables, just stuff!


  1. looks like you both had a lovely stroll through the forest..those 'huge trees' are amazing!!

  2. I love those Redwood forests! $10 is a bit steep for a walk though.

  3. $10 for a walk in a forest that took hundreds of years to grow seems like a bargain to me!

    You roll the dice for $12 on an e-book that you never know if it will be a worthwhile read, yet you flinch at paying $10 for a un-matchable natural view in a pristine forest? That seems an odd value system. I plan trips from where I live in order to be able to access those natural resources, I think $10 is an incredible bargain! :)

    I really admire your values in the way you are doing your own projects, so I don't want my remarks to come across as harsh. I was merely shocked by your gripe.

    Hope you keep getting out there, despite the parking fees.

  4. One of my favorite places, Henry Cowell. Used to go up there a lot. Introduced George to the redwoods on a trip back there..he was amazed!

  5. Sounds to I.M like that auction place is just what y'all was a lookin' fer. Just don't buy more stuff than ya got room fer, or ya just might have to take more of yer old stuff to a sale again.

  6. Interesting read on the trees...another place we would like to see -- one of these days:)

  7. Thanks for the tour. I want to see those trees someday myself! I agree though, $10 for a walk is pretty pricey. I'll bet there are lots of places that are just as pretty and much cheaper!

    I'd also like to see your neighborhood. You have such an unusual house, I am trying to imagine the neighborhood. I'm guessing it's very hilly.

  8. Glad you got to go for your walk with Kate. Beautiful Redwoods!

  9. Great shots of the trees. I always think it's interesting to see what 2 people shoot while looking at the same thing!

    Lets do it again, OK?


  10. I was amazed to learn while at Pfeiffer Big Sur about the fires and the Redwoods. Incredible really. Merikay, its amazing how you are taking hold of pre-road life! I love your spirit!


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