
Friday, May 6, 2011

Is it a "female" thing?

I think women need to get together with, and talk to other women more than men need to talk to other men.  

Men may enjoy hunting,  fishing, and watching sports together, but I don't think they talk as much as women do.

I went to visit Levonne again today, and we talked.  I felt very good after spending some time with her. 

I've been in a bit of a "funk" lately, and it was good to be able to talk about it.

 The last time we were together I was the listener.  This time she was.  

Thank you Levonne.  You made a nice lunch too!


  1. nothing like some good ole fashioned girl talk!..I miss my friend, Brenda..she lives about 8hours from a coffee date is a bit out of reach!.. :(

  2. That 'talking about things' is not always exclusive to you laidies you know. There are 'some men' out here able to transcend that male macho ego thing & talk freely about their feelings. I have two close male friends I have known for about 30 years & we are all on the same wave length, maturity level & age & stage of the game. Whenever I get together with one of these fellows our in depth conversations flow freely & go on for hours & hours. It is not the usual 'guys talk' about sports, politics or kibitzing & bantering back & forth with a lot of guy's humor & small talk. Been there & did all that years ago. It is more important to me now to have a few close trusted friends who understand themselves & those around them.......

  3. It sounds like you and Levonne need to get together more often! Glad you're feeling better! A good walk outside in nature is good for that too!

  4. Glad you have Levonne to talk with...sounds like a great friendship. I think everybody needs that in their lives. Glad you are feeling better!

  5. There is nothing like have a good talk with a girlfriend. Being back in Iowa means I have my "Trudy" to talk to, she is one of the most valuable gifts in my life. Sounds like Levonne is one of yours. :)

  6. Men certainly do not "talk" as women do, as a rule, but as Bayfield Bunch says, they do. As a society, we have conditioned ourselves. I'm blessed to have a couple of male friends who aren't afraid to talk at a deep level, but I enjoy my female friends, most of whom can take my gut-spilling when I need it, too.

    I'm glad you had the day with Levonne. I think days "away from the grind" are very healing. I hope she is one that you will be able to call and have long phone conversations with once you hit the road. Your adventures will be great, but you'll be losing the ability to have lunch. Don't lose the friendship!

  7. Finding someone that will listen to your concerns, and not be judgemental is wonderful no matter what their gender.

  8. You're absolutely right! No doubt about it in my mind. Except for the part about hunting and fishing, I've never done either!

  9. There's nothing like a good friend you can trust your feelings with, and it's much better if it goes both ways. I'm glad you were able to talk things through with Levonne. :)

  10. I am lucky in having two sisters that are also my best friends. We can talk and share each other's cares without judging each other. It's important to have someone you feel free to talk with.

  11. I'm glad you enjoyed the lunch and I can't believe two weeks have already passed since you were here. And I go away for a little while (to heavy duty techno-land) and you change your whole world around. What is this talk about giving up the dream?!?!?!?


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