
Friday, June 24, 2011


As I worked on my "art work in process" blogs, there hasn't been time to weave in the other exciting plan that has been developing around here.  

I just can't keep it to myself any longer.

For years I have wanted to go to the Rose Parade in Pasadena on New Years day.  But, for one good reason or another, we did not do it.  

When I was "dreaming" of going full time, it was one of the things I was determined to do.  

About two weeks ago I said to Craig, "I want to go to the Rose parade this year." 

And Craig said, "Sounds good to me..."  

So I began doing a bit of research on tickets etc.

My daughter and her husband live in San Diego and we will be going there for Christmas. It is really hard to think of  Christmas gifts for them.  I absolutely hate to buy gifts that are not really wanted or needed.

So the next night, I said to Craig, "I think we should ask Deidre and Andrew if they want to come, we could buy  tickets for them and for our two grandsons as part of their Christmas gifts."

And Craig said, "Sounds good to me ..."

Oh, and Andrew's parents are coming from New Zealand for Christmas too.  We could give them  tickets as a gift too.

And Craig said, "Sounds good to me..."

Our grandsons are at  great ages.  They will be eight and eleven  this fall.  So I suggested we take them to LA for a few days before the parade to see the float building and the band practice program.

And Craig said, "Sounds good to me..."

To do all of this from their home in San Diego would be very hard. Driving back and forth several hours each day would be impractical.  In particular, getting to Pasadena to the reserved parking lot by 6:00 AM on the morning of the parade would be unbelievably painful.

So wouldn't it be nice to rent an RV and park it there the night before?   (It's expensive, but possible.) 

And Craig said, "Sounds good to me..."

  • I  bought 8 grandstand tickets, 
  • reserved RV night before parking 
  •  reserved a Cruise America RV
  • and reserved parking for my daughter.
My daughter and her in-laws will be staying at a hotel in LA Sunday night and meeting us for the parade. 

I also made reservations at a KOA for Friday thru Tuesday.  The parade is on Monday but we can't return the RV until Tuesday. 

 Although we will park the RV at the parade on Sunday night, the cost of an over night parking space for our car is more than the KOA fee, so we will just leave our car in our space at the KOA and go back for Monday night. 

Finally when I told Craig about all of this, I added the words, "Maybe we should just buy an RV!"

And Craig said, "Sounds good to me..."

We shall see. 

 Meanwhile the Cruise America reservation can be canceled with no penalty thru November.

And I do have a list of RV trips I want to take after he retires...

I wonder what Craig will say?


  1. Sounds great to me!! Congrats!

  2. How very cool. Never, ever give up on your dreams.

    You'll love visiting the barns before the parade, they're quite wonderful

  3. Wow!! Good things come to those who wait :)

  4. OMG Sounds wonderful to me. I don't know what changed, but 'sounds good to me'.

    Always wanted to see the Rose Parade, never did. Take good photos.

  5. Now, all you need to do is make him think all this was HIS wonderful idea! Especially buying an RV....proceed with moderation! lol

  6. And it all sounds good to us way over here in Ontario Canada too. Especially liked the sound of......'buying an RV:))'

  7. WOW! That sounds great to me too. Better get busy with those animal heads so you'll have plenty of time to look for a rig! :)

  8. That's terrific! Maybe the bug will bite your DH - if not, you'll still have a great time.

  9. That sounds good to me too!! What wonderful news. As Nan said...make him think it was HIS idea and the RV buying may go a lot smoother LOL!! I hope you have so much fun that Craig will be estatic over the thouhgt of buying an RV. Keep the dream alive.

  10. That is soooo funny! Maybe the idea has been percolating long enough, and is starting to sound good. Your plan sounds like a lot of fun, for everyone. Can't wait to read the blog posts after that adventure! :)

    I've heard the best way to spend your money is to buy memories instead of things. This is a good example of that.

  11. Such a cute story and a wonderful beginning (fingers crossed).

  12. Sounds good to me...keep going! And have fun with all the planning and the trip.

  13. sounds like a great plan!!!..good for you!

  14. Sounds like a great family trip. Enjoy!

  15. Hilarious!


    Jumping over the moon for you.

    Sounds good to me too.

    You are doing good.


  16. OMGosh...sounds great! One step at a time...this would be a super trial run...have so much fun that hubby will say "Why didn't we do this before"?

  17. I.M. thinkin' that where there's smoke there's fire, and y'all best keep a fannin' them flames now that y'all got yer smokey dreams to finally a burnin'.

  18. Wow Merikay! An RV trip! And even maybe an RV?!?!?! That was a funny comment that I.M. made. I agree!

  19. I learned several years back to never say "never"! Which, of course, is a total contradiction (or something) but we just do not know what life has in store for us!

    How does that sound?

    Sounds good to me! :)

  20. There's more than one way to skin a cat! Your plans sound fantastic.

  21. Oh, I love stories like this! Can't wait for the next chapter!

  22. I think we are all so excited for you. You deserve this and it will be such a fun time with the family!

  23. Things are looking up. I sound like it might really happen. The Rose Parade would be fun, maybe the barns would be more fun and interesting too.


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