
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Change of plans, busy week ahead

My trip down to San Diego to visit my daughter and grandsons has been postponed for a couple of weeks.  I'm very flexible, and it seems it will be more helpful for me to be there during a week when she will have no child care.

But, this is fine with me because the customer who bought a giraffe last month, liked it so much they ordered four more to go with it!  So next week I will be working on a lion, a zebra, a hippo, and an elephant.

Sounds like a safari theme to me!

There is another RV I'm interested in and will be doing some homework on it in my spare time.  It is a private seller and I want to have more information before I contact them.


  1. Seems like that change in plans will work out well for all concerned. Have fun with your new project and with researching the RV.

  2. Its always nice when someone likes your work so much they order more!

  3. ooh good! More orders are a good thing! Can't wait to hear about your new RV research.

  4. Hey Hey! Here's to another couple of weeks of being a "zookeeper"! :)

  5. Congratulations on the added orders! Sorry your plans changed but it seems things all worked out for the best.
    Good luck with your continued search for a MH!!

  6. You will make a great RVer. Being flexible is an attribute that is very good.
    Keep those orders coming. Is that something that you can do on the road?

  7. Just found your blog. We are in a 42 foot Tiffin Phaeton QBH. We spend about 3/4 of the year in the coach, still go home for a couple of months in the summer to visit family. We are getting ready to put a pad in at home to park. We have been RVing in this coach for three years and it is a pain when we are home not to have it here and plugged in to power. Looking forward to reading more about your adventures in searching out the right RV for you.

  8. Wow. That seems like a boatload of good news all at once, except they delayed trip. Congrats on the additional orders. In this economy that's a big deal, for both you and the buyer. And I know you'll fill us in on the rig when you can. Cheers!

  9. Congratulations on the orders. Seems like business is picking up. Good luck on the RV search!

  10. Congrats on the new orders. That is always a good thing. Curious about the new RV.

  11. Congrats on the new orders. That is always a good thing. Curious about the new RV.

  12. plans are always written in jello!..happy researching!!!

  13. WooHoo!!


    Have fun with the research!!!

  14. I love your animal heads. I would have a very hard time picking one out though because they are all so nice. I sure wish I had room for one, but I don't have much wall space.


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