
Sunday, July 3, 2011

New vs Used

Some people are "new" house people.
Some people are "fixer up" house people.
Some people  buy used cars and deal with repairs, or better yet do them themselves.  Some people are mechanical and getting under a hood and fixing an engine or repairing an appliance is fun for them.

We are none of those.

  We've never bought a new house.  I can't imagine Craig working with a builder to make  all the decisions involved in a new house together.

We've had fixer uppers, but the fixing up has almost always been  painful.

 When we were young, we had a couple of used cars, but that was because it was all we could afford.  Craig has never been a "car guy."

The last six vehicle we have had, were bought new.  We always had all the required maintenance things done for the first ten years or so by the dealer, and then, when breakdowns occurred, we  took them to either a dealer or repair shop.

Oil changes, and new tires were always bought as needed.

We have probably held onto to our cars a lot longer than was sensible, but that is just the way we are.

When I was thinking "Full Time," a gently used Diesel was our first choice.  It is said that diesel engines  are just getting broken in at 50 - 100K miles!  Besides the price for a new large diesel is pretty high.

But now.  Well, we just don't need a big diesel for "Anytime."  I would like to try to  30' -32" Class A.  Either would fit much nicer in State parks and on BLM land.

I know you loose a lot when you drive a new rig off the lot.  But that pain can be lessened by looking at new but last year's models.

I haven't found the "Lazy Days" of Norther California.  The few used salesmen I have talked to say No warrantee, As Is on used rigs.  I don't see any major reconditioning like Al and Karen got on their Monaco.

If we had had more experience with RVs I might have a better idea of which way to be looking.  But for now I'm pondering NEW vs Used.

One year warrantees sound pretty attractive.  But on a used rig can't you buy an extended warrantee for less than the depreciation of a new one?

What have you done?
Have any of you had inspections done before buying, and how do you find an inspector?

We may ignore advice, but we welcome it.


  1. Buying two new motorhomes in 18 months, as we did, isn't the most economical move. But, it has been great to know that those initial fixes were covered by warranty. We weren't determined to buy new, but when we found what we liked, it just so happened to be "new". There isn't a "right" answer to this one. Look for what you like....might be new or it might be used. There are risks and rewards either way. Happy shopping!

  2. Hi, I didn't do an inspection. I trusted the company I dealt with. I had a good feeling about this company. I purchased the extended warranty - to cover any major problems. My RV was a 2008 with only 7400 miles on it, so I figured it was pretty close to new and the price was much, much lower than new. Good Luck with your search, but wait till it "feels" right. Don't rush.

  3. Tough one. Many variables. Ask again later.

    (Just kidding - 8-ball joke - remember those?)

    You can't beat the combination of lightly-used, good-quality. Especially when it's combined with seller-desperate.

  4. like others mentioned look at both and buy the one that fits your wants needs and desires... in our case it was new and I had a friend of mine (diesel mechanic) check it out with me and we bought our 2007 with 14000 miles on it...

  5. Mo bought a small 21 foot StarFlyte made by Dynamax and it was such a good well built rig we stayed loyal to the brand. Hunted all over the country for a gently used Dynamax, and found one in New Braunfels Texas. The dealer was great, the rig was new but a previous year's model. that way you get the price break, but still basically get a new rig with all the warranties. Worked great for us. We love the 24 foot ability to get in just about anywhere. Although I would still like a 30 foot if I won the lottery! LOL But I'm stuck on Dynamax.

  6. Well, our first decision was easy because we had to go used because we could not afford to go new. We are mechanically challenged as well & especially me so we knew we had to get something newer as opposed to older. Bought our 2003 33'Damon in the Spring of 07 with only 12,000 miles on it & no salty road winter driving. We totally trusted the fellow we bought it from & that trust still holds true today. Our coach originated in St. Augustine, Florida & had been a one owner. It is now slightly over 4 years later & we have no regrets about our decision.........

  7. buy what you can afford!...and all the rest will fall into are not in the postion nor will we ever be to buy an expensive new rig...gently used is a good idea..all the 'new bugs' are dealt with! will know the right one when you find it!

  8. I've gone both ways. You can get an extended warranty on used rigs if they're not too old. Present rig was bought used, but three before were new. There are lots of opinions pro and con on either. Guess I'm not much help. :(

  9. I was told no warranty-as is- by dealers until La Mesa RV. They have a 15 day 100% warranty, and 30 day 50% warranty. Not a lot, but I took a long trip the first 15 days and everything was good. I felt better about it with that little bit. They seem very honest and said anything on the rig was at least 80% good - they replaced all tires and everything seemed new.
    I was offered an extended warranty, but it would have been much cheaper to get my own, I decided not to do that and take my chances.
    I wouldn't buy new, got mine this year, and it's a 2007, almost no mileage and 8 hours on the gen. It was "like-new." I like the others' ideas of buying last year's model this year and getting a brand new rig with the price break, if you can afford it.

  10. As you know we're still in the 'looking' and window shopping phase..but! We started out looking at a used diesel MH..then did a 180 and are going for a NEW fifth wheel now. Our plan is last year's model, but 'new to us', to get a better price. A few people are trying to tell us get a used one and trade up later, but we feel (your mileage will vary!) that this is right for 'us'.

  11. We've gone new (cheap brand) and used expensive brand. I think if you buy a good quality used unit you are good to go - especially if you can get a short warranty - even 30 days would do it. 2 years ago we bought a 2004 Titanium that was in such good shape it might have been new - it has served us well, plus it was about 1/2 the price of new...

  12. There are a few dealers that offer short warranties..and Lazy Days is coming to Tucson in September.

    Not having much rv experience IMHO makes having a warranty real nice.

    On our new coach there are so many things that we don't know what they are..let alone if they work.

    You can buy an extended warranty, but they are expensive...worth it to us though.


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