
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Same Page

Well, Craig and I are getting closer to being on the "same page."

At least we are both thinking it should have wheels!

I made an appointment to test drive a couple of things this weekend.  Not yet to buy, but to see if we can come to some agreement on size and type.

I insist it be something I can drive!


  1. It's important that you know how to drive having said that, I have yet to drive our MH -- it's just so big & I'm so short:(

  2. I can tell... you will be like me! The most comfortable behind the wheel. But he will get used to it and you can share the driving w.h.e.n. you get it!!!

    Have fun looking.

  3. glad to hear that you are almost on the same page!!!

  4. Have fun looking...and driving. Will be looking for your comments on what you found.

  5. Being on the same page is important...glad you're getting there.

    You can drive anything you put your mind to.

  6. Too cool! I hope you find the one you 'both' can agree on :) Maybe we'll see it in October!!

  7. We were at a trailer place the other day picking up a part and there was a huge..longest motorhome gettting propane. I told my husband that I don't know how in the world they could ever drive that thing in traffic...there is no way!! Drive LOTS of hurry...

  8. Definitely drive lots and lots of them. That way you will begin to know which you're most comfortable with. You can drive any of them - it's just a matter of what you feel good about. And the more you drive the more comfortable it gets. I am really excited for you.

  9. Yes, drive many and be sure it is something you are comfortable driving. I'm glad you are taking another step closer! Have fun!

  10. Have fun while you are getting on that same page. Lots of choices out there, no right one for everyone but there will be a right one just for you two. :)

  11. Now that you're on the same page, it shouldn't be long before you're in the same RV!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Great news! Let us know how it goes! Pictures!

  14. Good for you for insisting on driving too. That's a good thing!

  15. Yes, wheels are nice!! Have fun shopping....that is tons of fun!

  16. I like the way you framed that post today Merikay! Great walking and talking with you yesterday!

  17. I agree you need to drive the RV. The three things I feared the most - driving, backing up and emptying the tanks, are not so bad. Why do we fear the unknown?


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