
Friday, August 12, 2011

Deposit put down


I put a deposit down on a Motor Home today.

This is it: Alfa 

The salesman from La Mesa called me.  He is in Tucson and he called about it.  He says the deposit is refundable, based on our seeing it, driving it, and both approving of it.
We had to put a deposit on it for it to be brought to California for us to see.

He says it is refundable.  It had better be!

Craig said it was OK.

I am so scared.

I'm sick to my stomach.
It is at the top of what we want to spend.
It has most of what we want.


  1. Congrats, Merikay! It's beautiful - See Ya down the road!

    It's perfectly natural to feel sick to your stomach right now - that will go away once you take your first road trip!

  2. I agree with Rick. That first trip will just make it feel right. And that sick feeling is just excitement. The rig is beautiful. When do you get to see and drive it?

  3. Oh boy! Talk about exciting. I hope it turns out to be everything you have dreamed of.

  4. Hope this is the one for you. I understand the nervousness, it is a big step. Good Luck

  5. Breathe! It'll be a match, or it won't. Either way, you'll know.

    Meanwhile, enjoy the ride!

  6. Wow!! Too exciting. Hope it's all that you dreamed of :)

  7. Eeeek, indeed! What a great looking rig! Can't wait to hear what you think of it.

  8. It looks really nice, Merikay! The nervous feeling is to be expected with any big purchase like that! Remember buying a real house?

    You've had enough advice and done enough research that when you see it and step in the door to "examine" it ~ the two of you will either fall in love with it or say, nope, it's not the one.

    Good Wishes!!!

  9. Don't be scared, be excited. Remember, the looking is half the fun! When it's right, it will happen. Maybe this is the one!!!! I'm so excited for you guys!

  10. Good for you, it is gorgeous, hope it works out for you. I would be nervous too, until we drove it.

  11. How exciting. Let's hope it is just as nice in person as it looks on screen. Good luck and see ya down the road!!

  12. Pretty, pretty, pretty. Can't wait to hear what you think of it once you walk in, sit down and go for a spin.

  13. My deposit was refundable, also. This is good because you won't feel obligated to buy unless it is exactly what you want. Hope this is "the one" for you.

  14. Looks beautiful Merikay! I can't wait to hear what you think when you see it and drive it. :)

  15. How exciting! I hope that when you see it in person that the decision will be easy for you....either way. Is there any way you can speak with the previous owner? And look at the maintenance records? How about the tires? Just thinkin....

  16. three deep breaths... there now don't you feel better?

  17. Nervous is normal. Mix in some excitement & you have some nervous excitement going for you. Now, how great is that. I like the looks of the Alfa very much. You will feel much better after you get a few miles under your belt. And you will feel much better after spending a few days & nights getting all settled in. It will be Neat-O:))

  18. Wonderful news! I hope this is " the one."

  19. this is great news!! is a beaut!!..nice will know if its the right one once you see it in person! soon before it arrives???

  20. EEK! is right ... I'd be nervous and excited too ... take some deep breaths and know all will work out as it's meant to.

  21. Looks gorgeous. So excited for you.


  22. Wow!

    Maybe it's happening for you?

    Good luck. I remember looking at the Alfa when they first came out. We loved them. I think nervous is normal!

  23. omigosh, I am gone for a few days and all sorts of stuff happens! Congrats on your new motorhome! you fond it. Yippee!! take a deep breath and don't worry. It's gorgeous

  24. Wow! Excitement in Blogland! Cool!
    Just waiting for what comes next.

  25. Go for it! How neat they'll bring it that far for you to see. If it is just right, or even almost just right, go for it! You won't be sorry for buying the very best you can afford, and then taking really good care of it for the rest of your lives!

  26. That's how I felt when I did the same for my fifth wheel. I guess that is normal when any commitment regarding large amounts of money. I hope that it is everything that you are looking for.

  27. I can't see picture when I click on it. Drat. I'm so excited for you and I understand how you're feeling. I've been to the dealership in Tucson that you mentioned. Before they opened a dealership in Tucson they were in Yuma and my son and I used to drive down there to look at RVs.


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