
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Pick up date set

We are just not getting along with La Mesa RV.

This time we are being difficult.

The timing on everything has been just a little "off" all along.

When my salesman called me about the Alfa from Arizona, I was just leaving for a few days in San Diego.  That was a Friday, and I would be back the following Wednesday.  He said fine, and called on Wednesday but I was not yet back.

Craig was very busy at work that week and we couldn't get out to see it until Saturday.  This did not seem to be a problem, but then when we wanted a few more days for the inspection, the manager and salesman were a bit "put out" to say the least. I knew they wanted to close the sale.

The following Wednesday, after the inspection, I sat down with the manager to work out a few details.  We had given them a 20K down payment, and I explained to him that although we had the balance in the bank, our bank had put a hold on it because we had transferred it from another source.  He said, no problem, because it would probably take a couple of weeks for the new windshield to come in. (the drivers-side windshield was cracked.)  So I thought I had at least that much time to get the necessary tree work done so we could park it at home.

But then the service manager called and said the windshield would be in by today and he wanted us to pick up this  Thursday or Friday. It seems that all the inventory they have has come back to their lot from various "shows" and they don't have any room.

But, we are tied up all week and can't do it until the beginning of next week.

Somehow when I read about service departments making customers wait because parts are NOT in, I don't feel bad about making them wait for us.  Although he isn't happy, the service manager has accepted our timing and we will pick up on Tuesday September 6th.

BUT, this evening I discovered a message on my new answering machine from the "Finance Manager" from La Mesa.  I hadn't seen it earlier because I am used to having the machine beep when it has a message.  We just got new phones, and this one just flashes a light.  I didn't happen to look at the phone.

So I have to call him first thing tomorrow.  I can't even drive up there and give him part of the balance because Craig is using my van while his car is in the shop getting the dent fixed!

Oh well, I'm sure it will ll work out.  I just have to remind myself that the customer is always right!

This was a lame post.  But it is part of the details and small problems that come up.


  1. Good luck on getting everything coordinated...sometimes it gets tricky!!

  2. We had a horrible experience with the salesman and service department with our first motorcoach.They were rude and arrogant, we should have walked out the first day, but we wanted the rig. We never went back there for service unless it was warranty work. Our second purchase from Kings in WI was the exact apposite. The whole team couldn't have been nicer and I still stay in touch with the sales person. I am excited for you to pick it up and take your first trip.

  3. First thing I noticed was your smoke was gone! Nice idea. :)

  4. the 'smoke is gone' and that is the best part about this journey to get 'alfa' home!! sure is funny how service departments don't seem to mind making you wait but if you make them wait..boy oh boy!!..happy tree trimming!!!

  5. Just breathe, it will all work out. And, you'll forget all about the inconveniences when you're breezing down the road or camped in a beautiful spot!

  6. Smoke-free! Yay! I know this is a frustrating time for the 2 of you. Can't wait till you have her home.

  7. I think the buying process is stressful even when things go right. Keep focused there is a light at the end of the tunnel and on the other side of the tunnel is the road to all those National parks you want to take a walk in. :)

  8. Merikay - When they tell you their lot is full that's their problem, not yours. Do this on your time schedule and they will accept it because they have no choice to.

    Unfortunately this just shows that the economy hasn't hit these guys hard enough yet. They'll need to go out of business before they "get it"...

    Good luck!


  9. Erik is right, I guess. In Tucson, La Mesa RV is directly across from the bigger, fancier Beaudry RV. Beaudry got hit bad by the economy and closed up totally, including a splendid on-site major RV Park, so La Mesa has it made in the shade. We have gone there for service many times and have a great Service Manager. They have a wonderful team, we have been 100% satisfied.

  10. Enjoy this. It is the last time you will be in control with what is in effect , a pack of used car salesmen. Once they have the $ and you have the motorhome, it's over.

    You are makinng them nervous. They know that with a little manuvering and a cheap law suit. you could be gone. They have not been able to sell this thing for some time, and they don't want the deal to evaporate.

  11. I don't think dealers know how to deal savvy consumers. Stand your ground and do things on your terms, not theirs. Good luck and happy travels.

  12. Erik is right on this. Stick to your guns and don't let them get your too worried. It will work out just fine :)

    97 Roadtrek 170P "Taj Ma Trek"

  13. Hang in there! In five years, you won't remember this frustration.

    So happy your smoke is gone.

  14. It's the end of the month - the salesman wants his commission.
    Don't let them rush you!

  15. Sure glad I don't have to work with those clowns - and, hope I never do!

  16. Hold on everything always works out for the best..

  17. They need to complete the sale before the end of the month to make their numbers look better. I doubt it has anything to do with not having enough room. You need to make this happen in a time frame that works for you, just be nice, but firm.

  18. Opps, I forgot, I like the new name, too!


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