
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Alfa is Trapped

Several people have asked when and were we will be taking our first trip.  For now, until the trees on a 1/4 mile distance on a road we cannot avoid are trimmed we are staying put.

It is a County Road and we have contacted the proper department to request a trimming.  The big problem is that this 1/4 mile stretch is isolated from other county roads by a section of state highway and several private roads.

I have heard complaints from drivers of "box trucks" about these trees, but I never understood the problem.

This overhang comes from both sides.  It s particularly "evil" because it contains several large downward pointing branches that have been broken off by other vehicles.

There is no other road we can take in or out of our property.  Craig was quite shook by it coming in, and says he WILL NOT drive back out until the tree work is done.  We have already spent a few thousand on tree work on our land, I hate to spend any on a public road.


  1. The wheel that squeaks the largest, gets the trees trimmed! Keep squeakin!

  2. I get if you bug them every day, they will git 'er done! In the meantime, you can enjoy Alfa right where she is!!

  3. With your beautiful property, wildlife, and new mattress you don't need to go anywhere anyway!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I agree, friendly reminders to the powers that be should get the job done. We'll be in Tucson for January and February and Phoenix in March. Maybe, by then you'll be ready for a road trip :)

  6. Rather than treating it as simply a 'trimming' job it might get attention if it was treated as a 'safety issue' that could cause an accident!

    Perhaps a call to the local Police Department might get a quicker response.

  7. I sure wouldn't let this slip to the back burner of the County's stove. Keep the fires burning on a regular basis. But it's still a great place to escape to when you want to just relax and have peace and quiet.

  8. Rick has a good point! If it were Emma and me, we'd both visit the authorities, and wait for a response. Nothing like an excitable dog to grab people's attention. :)

  9. Good luck with the tree issue. We'll be watching to see what happens.

  10. We know what you're going through. Like you, we are fortunate to live in a heavily treed neighborhood, and we must take a circuitous route in the MH to avoid the overhanging limbs.

  11. Put them on speed dial, and call them every morning. I've done this with "Animal Control" who tried to tell me there was nothing they could do about a neighbourhood barking dog. I simply explained that I was going to call them each and every time I heard that dog go bananas and bark at a falling twig. Kind of like me "barking" at them? They got the message, and the barking eventually stopped. Didn't find out what happened to the dog. Didn't really care.
    Bureaucrats don't like it when you disturb their little world.

  12. I agree with the other commenters. Keep the pressure on. Looks like a job problem they could clear up in a matter of hours with a good work crew.

  13. Stay with those folks! Waiting for the "authorities" to do anything can take forever so keep bugging them.
    Good luck with this issue but I don't blame Craig one bit for not wanting to risk damage to the MH.

  14. Good luck with getting things done. Those trees are beautiful but hanging that low to the road. Yup just keep bugging them or ask them if they would like to pay for the repairs on the MH roof. We all know we don't want that. Enjoy the driveway for know but I bet you sure would like to hit the road.

  15. I agree with the others, Stay "in their face". Speed dial is great. In the mean time, I know that you have a great imagination. Maybe,take some of your future destinations and pretend that you are there. You will soon be out there enjoying that "road trip". Stay positive!

  16. I'm reading backwards on your blog...oh that sucks on the trees. They can really damage a rubber roof, or a/c or vents, etc... I sure hope they get this cutting done soon! Would it help to get a news team out there to point it out to the public?


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