
Saturday, September 10, 2011

Nestled In

On Friday the tree men came again and cut down the  tree that was in the way. 

 Craig was then able to back the Alfa around the curve where the tree was and straight back onto the slab of the old shed.

We still have a problem area on the edge of the pavement where the front wheel went off a bit, and Craig is concerned that this would be a problem in we, winter weather when the ground is soggy.

We may dig in some paving stones or something along there.  Craig totally nixed my suggestion of gravel, and I'm afraid if I call a blacktop company we will end up repaving the entire drive.  It has some big cracks, but it is not a primary drive and not used very often.  Repaving would cost a lot!  So far I have spent as much on tree trimming as it would have cost to park her at a storage lot for about two years!

Plus, he says he won't take her back out until the trees up on Hutchinson get trimmed too.  It turns out the part of the road that is a problem is a county road. 

Californians are very protective of their trees, and we know we would be in big trouble if we just hired someone to trim them.  If it was a private road like ours, we could just make sure it was OK with the homeowners. 

 Craig called the county and talked to someone about it and was told that section of road was flagged for trimming, but that they were "months" behind.  Someone in a higher position is supposed to call us next week.  Sure!

But actually, the trees in question are a hazard to fire engines and should be trimmed.  Craig is more than willing to "make a contribution" to the cost.

This might be interesting.

So for now she is happy at home and we will do a bit of driveway camping. 

Last night we went up and just hung out for a while.

Tonight we are going to sleep up there!  We went and tried out a few mattresses this afternoon, but haven't bought one yet. We did get some new sheets.

 I am also looking into the BedInABox. 

 Our salesman did put a new mattress into the Alfa.  We know it's new because it was in a plastic bag and perfectly clean. 

 Unfortunately, it is not the right size, being a Queen "short"  the platform will take a regular Queen.  Also the mattress he put in doesn't seem much different than the old one.  Hard as a rock!

Should be an interesting night.


  1. enjoy the driveway camping tonight!!!

  2. Have fun in the driveway. I'm really tired of camping in our son's driveway this summer. But our's is soon to end. I'll keep my fingers crossed that the guy calls you next week with good news about the tree trimming.

  3. I remember when we did the driveway camping. It was so fun to imagine going out on the road in it. It helped to "get used to" the space and helped us think of things we needed to stock in it while we camped in the driveway. So much fun, we're so excited for you guys!

  4. maybe Rick could come down and put some good sturdy tile on the sides of that driveway??? lol

    have a great sleep over! I remember hours and hours of spending time in the first travel trailer and then the second and then the motorhome... it's gonna be f.u.n.!!!

  5. I was wondering what you meant by bed in a box. Is the the memory foam? I bought a chair in half that opens into a twin bed. It had the worst mattress. I bought a 2 1/2 in memory foam that came in a box it even had a mattress pad. But it turned the cheap mattress into a very comfy bed.
    Have a wonderful driveway camp out.

  6. We did driveway camping in our pop-up, travel Trailer and motor home. It's so fun to get it all set up and actually live in it. Your woods are beautiful so just pretend you are at a campground.

    Rv mattress seem to all be pretty bad. We have been extremely happy with our "bedinabox" mattress. We have the 11" Queen short. We could have put a regular queen in the new motor home, but we didn't know we'd have it when we bought the mattress.

    Craig did an amazing job backing that thing around that corner! You should be find once you get in a campground!

  7. Kind of like having your very own little hide-a-way cottage in the woods.....Groovy:))

  8. Have fun trying out your new home on wheels. Hopefully, you'll get to take her on the road soon. Our mattress was also very hard. Kevin loved it, but it hurt my arthritic bones. We compromised with a 4" memory foam mattress pad, and now all is well.

  9. Isn't driveway camping fun? We have done a lot of that this summer. :) It's not as good as the real thing, but its a nice beginning. We bought a 4 inch Sealy memory foam topper for our mattress and it made it so much more comfortable.

  10. Congrats. Looks like a perfect driveway camping spot to me - just like a campsite in the forest!

  11. Excellent. I hear your excitement. Life if already different!

  12. Glad Alpha is tucked into her new home. :)

  13. Oh, that brings back memories! We've done our fair share of driveway is awesome!! Enjoy!!

  14. I am informed that Hutchinson is, in fact, a private road, maintained by a road association, and that those on or near it pay a fee on their property taxes labelled CSA13 - County Service Area 13 - which goes to that maintenance.

    If true - and I trust my source - you might want to search around for that or talk to neighbors about it, particularly anyone you know who lives on Hutchinson itself. They might be able to put you in touch with the person in charge of local road maintenance, which might help with the tree trimming issues up there.

    Good luck!


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