
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Tea Time in Merikay’s Woods

Craig and I have an evening tradition.  At 8:30 PM he makes us each a cup of tea.  He gets Sleepy Time and I get Sleepy Time Extra. Sometimes we will have cookies too.

I have been an evening tea drinker fro a long time.  It has only been recently (about the last year or so) that he has joined me and has taken over the task of preparing it for us both.

Since I do 99% of the cooking and dish washing, I rather enjoy this small bit of pampering I get each night.

Last night we had our tea up in The Big White Thing.

 We went up right after the Stanford game finished, (no good radio, TV  or WIFI up there.) So it was a little late.

It’s so cozy up there.  We slept there last night too. 
Haven’t done that for a couple of weeks.

The weather has been quite mild all week and we didn’t need to run the furnace at all. I kept thinking about all of you who have had an early season snow storm.

Gotta love California!


  1. I love cozy traditions.

    Believe it or not, our Duck feels big to us now, and we daydream about a truck camper. If we were really and truly "outdoor people" that would work fine, but we have to face facts. We're FlexSteel potatoes.

  2. Lovely evening! We all need some pampering when it comes to someone else preparing and serving us some food or drink. A little nurturing goes a long long ways. Have a beautiful day Merikay. We woke at Manzanita this morning after sleeping in the quiet of the park last evening.

  3. That sounds like a lovely tradition, especially with Craig doing the fixing! When he retires, I bet he does more of that kind of thing. I rarely wash dishes anymore - Russ has almost exclusive clean-up rights now- YEAH!! Glad you got to spend some time in TBWT. Oh, and I have to say, I was rooting for USC - DANG IT!! Next week is the BIG Stanford out the Ducks are coming to town...QUACK!

  4. Great tradition. I love that you're sleeping in your RV parked at your home. You're bonding with it :)

  5. I always have to have a warm cup of tea or cocoa in the evening, just something I have always done. Its a habit that signals the day is over. Before I had the RV, I would travel with teabags, cocoa and a small hot pot to warm the water.

  6. I like the "bonding" time with your rig and the tea tradition is definitely a keeper!

  7. How nice!! I enjoy a cup of tea each evening as well. I have never tried "sleepy time" so I might just do that. :-)
    Mike and I always called our bedroom in the MH our little cocoon. It is dark and cozy. Great sleeping!!

  8. Nothing like bonding with your matter where it's parked.

    George has tea every night as well. With animal crackers & peanut butter. :)

  9. It is nice to have those traditions:) Sounds very homey.

  10. good celebratory tea after an exciting Stanford win..

  11. nice to have some new traditions in the BWT!!!

  12. I agree with Evelyn. Looks like you are bonding with your rig and bringing your tea tradition to it makes it even more like home. :)

  13. I propose a new name for the Big White Thing.

    The Tea House!

  14. Love the evening tea tradition & yes, pampering is nice too. Playing house in the RV is fun too!

  15. The evening tea sounds like a good tradition, especially since Craig serves you. I've managed to get one of those traditions here too. Al makes and gets my morning coffee.

  16. John has been helping out a lot too, but I am really fussy about my tea. So glad you are being pampered.


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