
Friday, October 7, 2011

Who Else am I Missing

I know some bloggers just stop posting for one reason or another. 

There are some who post just about every day and I'm used to seeing their posts pop up on my reading list.  If I don't see them for a couple of days I might wonder, but figure they just were busy or in a place where the internet isn't very good.

If someone decides to stop posting, they don't "owe" anyone any explanation,  but it is nice when someone does write something to let their followers know they are taking a break.

I hadn't seen a new post from Me and My Dog for a while, but didn't think much of it. Gypsy did, and mentioned it in her post, so I checked and the most recent post I had by Barbra was 5 weeks ago.  

Now I'm wondering about who else I'm missing.  How would I know if someone was still posting if it doesn't show up.  Need I click on each of the 100 or so blogs on my list?  

Who do I complain to?


  1. After Gypsy's blog I noticed the same thing about Me and My Dog. Last post I can access is from five weeks ago. I don't know what's up with that!

  2. Yep - I've been having the same problem for several weeks now. Yours is one that is immune to the problem. And Judy's. Bad Blogger!

  3. I don't understand what the issues are with blogger. Mine works fine and seems to post great. And yet others have so much trouble. Even when people were having issues with their comments not posting, mine just posted fine. I agree - who do we complain to.

  4. Hey, I see ya :) A lot of people have problems with blogger but, (knock on wood) I usually don't. Not sure why I'm the lucky one..

    I'm just glad that I can post, comment, and read :)

    See you in two weeks from tomorrow!!

  5. Hmmmm, come to think of it....I haven't seen Big Dawg And Freeway for a few days....

  6. Me & my dog is the one that doesn't seem to update that I know of. I like her blogs, so I check on her's daily to see if she has posted because, no, it doesn't show updated on the dashboard.

  7. There's a Blogger glitch somewhere. It's happening to a LOT of the blogs on my blogroll.

    You can complain to Blogger, and hopefully you'll get more than the crickets I've been hearing.

  8. All the blogs on my roll that aren't updating have also reverted to feed mode.

  9. It may not be a problem with Blogger at all. Me and My Dog needs to recheck her time and date settings on her computer to ensure they are correct.

  10. Me and My Dog is posting regularly but they don't show up in Reader. None of her Sept and Oct posts show but you can read them if you go to her blog, go down to the bottom left where the archive is located and click open Sep and Oct to read the posts. She is getting discouraged about posts not showing up but it seems to be stuck on Aug and you have to manually open Sept and Oct.

  11. Barbara's (Me and My Dog) is the only one I have problems with. I have chatted with her and we can't figure out what is wrong. It shows 5 weeks ago on my blog roll but if I click on her blog, I get the latest entry. It must be a setting somewhere but I can't figure it out.

  12. Same here with Me and My Dog, so it must be something on her end, but I definitely don't have a clue what! I usually read blogs but sometimes do not comment -- I'll try to do

  13. I had the same problem with her blog so I deleted it and went back and resaved it. I know get the new ones as often as she posts.
    Make sure you know her proper address before you delete it.
    Hope it works for you all.

  14. oops that should have been (now) and I deleted it from my favorites.

  15. bigdawg and freeway is alive and well..thanks for mentioning me Al!!..been taking a silent break..I had nothin'!!

  16. I posted a few days ago!!..silence is broken!!

  17. I went back and checked Me and My Dog - same here - it has not updated on my blog roll either. Weird - it seems to be the only one - I checked a lot of the others to see if they had the same problem.

  18. I'm still finding the "can't leave a comment on your comment form" problem on some blogs. I try to leave notes if I can find their email address on their profile but some I can't find any way to connect with except by leaving a comment. So...

  19. I'm still around (Cait - Gypsy Hearts) - but after losing my service dog in January, my plans for going fulltime are postponed until I've got a replacement trained to step into her shoes. :(


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