
Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Missing One

The dinner is over and the dishes are done.  We will have desert soon.

As happy as I am to have my daughter and her family here, I miss my son.

He works in retail and it has always been impossible for him to join us for Thanksgiving.  Has to be at work bright and early on Black Friday!

Two years ago he flew in, had an early Thanksgiving dinner and was supposed to fly back home on Thursday evening.  I don't exactly remember what happened, but his flight was changed to an earlier time and he missed it.

He ended up having to fly bak Friday morning and missed work.

Anyway, the family is not complete.

We missed you Brother, Son, Uncle!

But at least we know he is safe, as opposed to someone who has a young man or woman in Afghanistan.  I think of them too.

And to all my blog friends ... Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. sorry to hear that your 'whole' family couldn't be together to enjoy all the festivities!!!

  2. I know how you feel. We have one daughter in California, One that is a pediatric oncologist at Riley Hospital for Children in Indy and it is her year to work and the third is deep in the books studying for college finals....we were without any of ours, but there were 48 others to keep us company.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Craig and all your family.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Craig and all your family.

  5. Happy Thanksgiving! I know what you mean about missing family members. I've not been able to join family in years & years for holidays. I always miss them too.

  6. We didn't have any children with us either. But as they scatter to other parts of the country, it's almost impossible to pull them out of their busy lives. Thank goodness for cell phones. Glad you had a nice day anyhow.

  7. I really missed our boys, too. But, we'll be seeing them for Christmas. That is if Amazon doesn't kill us first :)

  8. Our kids are scattered all around the country so it works better if we do the traveling.

    Sadly, we can only visit one holiday at a time, so we'll have to take turns on the visits.


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