
Sunday, November 20, 2011


For 22 years I have enjoyed little light and shadow shows around my house.  The best are in the late autumn months when the sun rides low and the leaves are thinning out on the Maples to the West of the windows.

This fall I started recording a few seconds here and there, and have put together a three minute video.  By capturing the light on video I am able to put it onto a DVD that I can take with me.

I share it here.  Play time is 3:09 minutes:


  1. nice work on the video..for me it gives a 'haunting feel' must have a few of those 'crystals' around to get all the rainbow refelctions!..a great momento to take on the road with you!!

  2. Wow, what an entrancing video - how cool that you did this! It's one of those things that grabs my subconscious self, but doesn't register to actually do a video of. Thanks for sharing this!

  3. Very nice video! I am sure you will treasure it forever!

  4. Fascinating! Brings out your artistic ability. Entrancing, haunting, really good.

  5. Liked the video, nice choice of music fits well. Thanks for sharing.

  6. I like that! We have videos of the houses that I've owned, and they are good memories.

  7. You did a great job on the video Merikay. Just the right music to set the mood.

  8. Great video Marikay. You did a great job. Pretty soon we will be hearing you are producing movies.

  9. Very nice. I can see why you want to take this along. And even thought your nomadic life will be fun, it is always good to have that connection with home.

  10. What a beautiful video! That's the kind of thing you love about a house, but quickly forget when you're gone. You'll be glad you made this video, and the music is perfect.

  11. The dancing sunlight is a great memory to take with you - artists notice things that most of us don't!
    The Danny Elfman music sets the mood beautifully

  12. Lovely! Artists notice things that most of us miss!
    The dancing sunlight will be a beautiful memory to visit while you are on the road. Love the Danny Elfman music!


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